Pain Your Uymet Lope


These funds are so miraculous that from one reading can recover in front of the eyes. Still, so much laugh to tears - it is an archipelace for health!

Curious, but not yet fully studied by science. Feature: After treatment with a turpentine, a burdock or some more weakness not only get up and go, but also write poetry. About wonderful healing, of course. Some mystic alkaloid, apparently, tells them to rhyme the headlines of their grateful letters in the editorial office of relevant publications. Masterpieces - one ingenious than the other!

On your own skin, that is, back, I was tested by the method of people's

The author of this prescription so came with some particularly relentable bouranians that he rhymes non-stop: "I switched from the blockade and" artillery "for the ruins", "Lopuhi do not trample, better with them (! So the author. - PICS) Ice too ... just too much smoke!

So as not worse - garlic to your ears

And in the brain - mushrooms.

Lalalalalala Lalala!

Two eggs whipping - and no longer chromium is impossible to explain. Need to remember. Ointment of onion, soap, chalk Your lisha quietly ate a reasonable ointment enslaves the world. And devouring it quietly. Although, in general, what to be afraid when you have such a slaughter composition?! Oh, sore and tyrant ... Here is a recipe from purulent wounds! Original recipe. Only how many parts of the sore take how many parts of the tyrant? ..

Yes, there were fights fighting! ..

Sweets "Tears" at the birch, but stubborn diabetes and they will be reduced, and with sugar diseases there will be a very useful Roman-epic! Among my victories even sugar diabetes! " Brief version of the previous work. At least Kefiru you and brother, more than you I am glad ... logical. Having consumed the Silicium, the body gives the position and the definitions bloom in the brain of the sick virgin.

Trediakovsky wrote, definitely.

Sister cabbage - this is done! - Malaria has failed. Also, probably, and gave birth? Ointment primitive, but effective perfect slogan for everything, eh? There are far from Vietnam, in it - came up with a balm ... Ready Romance. Cream with chalk smear the cotton - your skin will be smooth you ever tried to smear the cream with a rat even without chalk? It's not easy to smear the vaccine on cream, something tells us ... Forest weed treats more like! Sherry to ask: And how? We are oatmeal from hunger saved. That from the bags of nodusim, then on food and let me ... impressive. Even to imagine Kissel, squeezed out of the bags. He is the enzymes of the Lord and Hormones of the Lord, because health in deficiency, if in the lack of zinc! Suddenly from mother's mamina ...

Conditioning, most importantly. Who today in the pellet fell, to led.

Lukova ointment helps - passion! "

And it is even wonderful reading like rap ...

Mazi smell - no salvation, but eliminates baldness!

And you walk so hairy, and everyone is scattered from you ...

Repenta oil I applied and prompted everyone to conquer

All. Wholesale. Not bluffing, right.

Did it used to the rosin as part of the ointment? "

And really. Omission!

Where medicine did not cope, I was not afraid of pepper

People who pepper were not afraid, where medicine did not cope - unbounded!

The reader did not wait for such a rhyme. In some sense, this is really a victory.

I think this method means much: the boy recovered from Psoriasis!

He does not hurt, and not ridiculous, and the mother does not threaten him into the window.

In addition to jokes - cure stomach!

We are not at all joking ...

Powder with butter applying, sighed: Eczema passed all!

How the fate of the porchoommalent, the story is silent.

Bring to Imemor Your Heel Shpore

And live with an enormous spur.

The main thing is not a catatball ...

Good in this ointment, so that the shoulders did not start

Paks and Paks!

I look under my feet, I go quietly, in order not to kneel famously

Unusual means. But inexpensive.

Egg we replace sugar and these pain will cancel

The egg is replaced with sugar - this civilian courage is considerable required ... However, if after that you climb the rhymes "Replace-cancel" - it is worth it!

Do not look for the solutions of two - your pain is buzzing!

We cannot comment on it. Although ... Healing the disease Spirit miraculous burdock! You will return and sleep, and Nyuh our flame burdock! ..

Everything. We have become infected. Went to be treated. Do not remember lich, listen to Nafan!

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