How to fix posture?



Straighten. Practice shoulders. Proudly raise your head.


Your growth increased at least a couple of centimeters (and the weight remained the same). Hooray! You have naked your BMI (body mass index).

The sad truth is that we usually calculate the BMI, based on the growth, measured "by the wall, stretching." And it would be honestly "at the wall, but thinking about something outsiders," that is, in the usual straightening of the spine.

But here the results of honest measurements are more likely to do not like.

Of course, we can say that these numbers are "not from fat, but from just a bad posture." But the fact is that a pathetic fat on the priest is complete nonsense compared with the curved letter Zy's back.

The shoulder blades are turned out, light half-car, the diaphragm is omitted. This means that the surface of the gas sharing is light reduced, oxygen in the brain comes slower. The stomach is tightly pressed into the intestines, the food in it is not so much digested as it flies - until your gastric juice will turn to tightly food, putthrough bacteria make their black things.


You go and think - it seems to have ventilated, and the head hurts. It seems to eat fresh, and in the mouth as cats got married. And for some reason, the neck (and what she doesn't whine, the head is not standing on the vertebrae, and hangs forward on the muscles, which, of course, are clamped from constant load ... Press the neck vessels ... Something I'm stupid today ... And the head hurts everything stronger…)

In short, if you ask your health, it would be even slightly a slightly sutuine back with pleasure replaced by a couple of kilograms of fat, and thanks also said. But who makes it change? You can simply straighten your back. Alas, two minutes later the muscles of the back, accustomed to be lazy, sneak sway, returning to us all the same figure of the format of the "breast of the Wpapal, but the back of the wheel."

Who is to blame, in general, is understandable - eleven years of school and sitting work. But what to do?


The methods that were achieved by the past time were mainly sadistic, like all traditional pedagogy as a whole. Classic English way - pin with pin up in a tie node (or bow on the neck). For ten years in school, any essaying Alice turns into the very most famous lady, which and the coffin is put with absolutely straight back. Patiently!

Also well served as the rectification of the back of the tight corset. When the only opportunity to inhale is achieved by cutting the shoulders, because the intercostal muscles are completely blocked by a whale mustache, you want, do not want, and you will lean your head back and rapid Perse. Beautiful-oh ... But also somehow not our method.



Where is the humane method with the plaster. The straightening subject rises as possible, the strip of the patch from one blade is pasted on its naked back to another. As soon as the subject begins to slouch, the plaster hurts the skin. And you can replace the office chair with a big ball. Susted - fell. Not so intelligibly as an English pin or scotch across the back, but the reminder is working.


But the most reliable and most effective existing techniques are swimming. Regular swimming stimulates the most muscles that support the back of the straight (just for the sake of the experiment, try to sail at least ten meters, sticking). Ultimately, any back muscles exercises quietly increase the period that the back can hold itself and head in a healthy position.


And finally, the exclusive method from my grandmother. This, by the way, also the most pleasant method.

"The chest must be worn as if it is an order." Imagine the most awesome honorary order, which would please you, at my chest, and go, matching. And if you praise yourself so awkwardly, read our article about the victory over the inner criticism and won't be breasts with pride!

At the same time, the smile on the lips will play. And the statute girl with a satisfied smile can have any mis. Beauty do not take away.

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