How Pilun Car Manufacturers spoiled for women's safety



They fastened - survived, lazy - flew ... But not everything is so simple! If you are a woman, it's like to fly on to the clan.

Dangerous at any speed

Safety belts came up with the English inventor George Kaley Already two centuries ago, and the patent has been knocking on them for 130 years. Gradually, philots, and racers began to use this useful thing. And in the fiftieth-sixties, the history with the protection of a person inside the vehicle came to a new level.

The movement movement was unwound, whose activists insisted that the state should control not only the training of police and drivers, but also the quality of cars - from which life often depends. Thanks to them, and especially the lawyer Ralph Nope, the author of the book is "dangerous at any speed", in 1966. In 1966, historical law No. 89653 was adopted in the United States. After it and the trauma-safe steering columns, and the airbags stopped being luxurious - and became a means of protecting movement.

Car manufacturers, however, resisted any improvements as they could. Well, yes, it's all the money, "no income, one losses." Special friction caused the so-called "Standard 201", regulated by the safety of the cabin when a driver and passengers collide with its details. To explore that in the car is especially dangerous for those who are sitting in it, Crash Test Dummies were invented. That is, mannequins for safety testing.

Good to be a middle guy


Mannequins were logically assumed two main types. One - "95% man" (that is, only 5% of the whole male population is larger than him), the second is the corresponding "woman" (that is, only 5% of the female population is miniature). Male mannequin named Sierra Sam for the sixtieth has already been successfully "worked" on some crash tests. And from the seventies, he replaced his comrade named Hybrid - "50% man," that is, the "middle American guy". Brought him and "girlfriend", and the "child" to understand how clashes act on women and children.

However, build and break whole "families" was too consecutive, and the mandatory tests began to spend only for the most medium guys.

What did this mean in practice? The fact that women in cars are not protected as the same as men. For example, the crash tests of Swedish specialists showed that the seats of cars are too tough in order to protect the woman from the injuries of the cervical spine caused by clashes. There is such a whip injury that occurs with a sharp jerk forward head with a sharp subsequent stop, often the effect of the blow from behind. Tests on the mannequins made by Anna Carlsson from the Technical University of Chalmers (Sweden) demonstrated that in this form the injuries of the discrepancy between the "diverse" mannequins are the most significant. Women, as a rule, throws forward in a collision. The airbag that rests on the high Mane in the upper part of the chest, accounts for a small lady in the chin, provoking the neck and spine injuries ...


Tests on women's mannequins showed that the risk of death for a woman in a car is generally three times higher than for a man. And when using seat belts, the ladies are 47% more likely to receive serious injuries than men in the same accuracy.

At the same time, only in 2011, American federal regulatory authorities began to demand from car manufacturers so that they are necessarily used in crash tests "women's" mannequins. And the "pregnant" mannequin was born only in 2007. Although it would seem, you should not be a specialist of seven spans in the forehead to understand how much the "tactical and technical characteristics" of the pregnant lady differ from those - a non-embled gentleman ...

The long story turned out, it was stretched in half a century. It would be interesting to count how many vital pink rarers were released during this time and decorated with flowers of computers!

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