When everyone for himself. Scientists calculated the share of "gentlemen" in 18 great shipwrecks


Swedish researchers Mikael Elyinder and Oscar Erickson decided to check how historically worked the rule of rescue on the sea "Women and Children were the first." They studied the statistics of the 18 largest shipwrecks that have happened in the last 300 years, and were convinced that it worked, to put it mildly, not too good.

To begin with, it turned out that the captains and the team are saved more often than passengers. Then, from 15,000 people who died in these 18 cases, only 17.8% of women were saved, and 34.5% of men! Pics.ru will tell why it happened.

The death of frigate Birkenhead, 1852


Of the 556 people died 365, and they were all men. 7 women and 13 children were saved.

The frigate transported the British military to South Africa and jumped to a submarine cliff not designated on the map. The senior officer ordered the soldiers to build and skip the few women and children first (it was clear that the boats would not be enough for everyone). The soldiers kept the system until the ship sank, and then tried to get to the shore. Before it was 1.5-2 miles, and the coastal waters cut sharks. It is believed that this noble story marked the beginning of the legend that women and children save the first.

Passenger steamer Arctic goes to the bottom, 1854


268 people died, among them 62 women (that is, everything is completely united) and 165 men (about 80%).

The American ship faced in the fog with French West Steamer. The captain, until the latter, tried to save women and children, who neither passengers, nor the part of the team allowed to boats. Picked people disassembled all the plaques, and because of the pressure we descended them into the water so that they took another part of the people. When the women who remained aboard and children began to distribute rescue circles, the ship finally plunged into the water, and all died. There were about 20 miles to the shore, and the water temperature is about 7 degrees.

Wheel steamer Golden Gate, 1862. Fire and water


184 people died, of which 28 women (64% of all women) and 156 men (50%).

This story is known, mostly, due to the fact that along with the ship sank the cargo of gold, which later found. But the drowned was not easier. A fire began on the ship. The captain managed to bring the ship to almost the coast, and the water was warm, but, alas, the fire destroyed some of the boats, and the upper deck collapsed.

Crackper Northflit Castle, 1873


Of 367 people died 74 women (96%) and 213 men (73%).

In the darkness of the night, anchored by ankore, the English passenger ship rammed the Spanish steamer Murillo. Nortflit sank for half an hour. The captain tried to ensure the salvation of women and children and even shot his leg to a person who had violated his order. He managed to save his wife in this way, but the boats lacked and there was little time. A part of the passengers was saved due to greater physical strength: they climbed to masts, and they were picked up rescuers from other ships.

"The team barely was given to the two feed boats with women and children, as the monkeys, men rushed from above on Talims. There were a lot of them ... crowded boats, hurried to the board, went to the bottom, and almost all who were in them were killed in ice water. "

Collapse of Atlantic, 1873


Of the 868 people died 235 women (all, despite the picture) and 303 men (45%).

Due to the navigation error, the English vessel rushed to the pitfalls. The boats of the left side washed off with ice water. People fought for the remaining, many emigrants did not understand teams in English. The ship broke, and the feed, where the cabins were located for single women and for families, disappeared under water. The team with cables managed to get to the coast, and some people had enough strength to get out, holding the cables.

Thames tragedy - steamer Princess Alice, 1878


Of 837 people killed 403 women (88%) and 294 men (78%).

River shipping only seems more secure. The case was in the summer, the music played on the excursion ship, most of the passengers - women and children. Suddenly, the steamer collided with the coalsel Baywell Castle (it is assumed that Captain Alice was guilty). The heavy coil almost cut the steamer in half. Princess Potted in 4 minutes. In those days, few people knew how to swim, it was dark, yes women also shy the lush costumes. In the dirty water, the Thames died 697 people.

Norwegian passenger steamer Nurge, 1904


On board 795 people. 336 women died (90%) and 299 men (71%).

The ship appeared on the underwater reef. He lasted afloat for about 20 minutes, the panic was moderate, although the teams of foreigners were not clearly understood on the Scandinavian languages ​​(foreigners and was less than, as a result). Captain and team more or less managed to sear people on boats. Coast and help were very far away. So only those who had enough space in boats were escaped.

Famous Titanic, 1912


Of the 2208 people killed 130 women (27%) and 1366 men (79%).

This story was also a statistical exception. The captain of Titanic threatened to shoot those who prevent women and children to occupy rescue boats (probably knowing that they are not enough for everyone). And, by the way, he himself died with a ship.

Canadian Liner Empress Ireland, 1914


Of the 1448 people killed 354 women (99%) and 629 men (60%).

Due to the misunderstanding of the situation by captains in the fog in the liner, the Norwegian cargo ship crashed. It happened at night, and the ship sank for 14 minutes. Passengers sleeping in the bottom cabins flooded, part of the boats washed away. About some special attempts to save women and children are simply not known. Who was stronger and lucky, those saved.

Lusitania's death, 1915. Water and Germans


Of the 1958 people died 326 women (63%) and 864 men (60%).

The ship was torpedid by the Germans. He drowned very quickly, and the landing in the boat was complicated by the fact that he continued to move, and the boats were broken about him. In addition, some people dragged into the whirlpool, which arose from the ship's dive.

Italian Principles Mafalda Liner, 1927


Of 1186 people killed 68 women (27%) and 241 men (26%).

The ship was originally in poor condition. When he went far into the sea, his rowing screw broke, a breakdown was formed. Rescue operations were organized very badly, passengers panicked, and the team, mostly saved herself.

Misfortune with Vestz, 1929


Of the 308 people died 31 women (76%) and 94 men (35%).

Sound because of the errors in the management. The ship gained water for a very long time, but Captain Medlil, making a decision. When finally, rescue work began, women and children diligently sat in the boat. But two of them turned over during the descent, and one crushed the beam suddenly.

Nightmare Liner Morro Castle, 1934


Of 542 people killed 50 women (25%) and 80 men (23%).

The captain of the ship committed suicide. Soon at night someone set fire to the ship's library. The team and replaced captain senior assistant reacted disorganized. The ship carried at high speed by changing the course, turning into a pipe of the fire. Passengers tried to extinguish it on their own. Saved, mostly team members. The hero of this shipwreck was a radio line Rogers, who was able to transfer SOS from the last effort. And only in 19 years later it turned out that he poisoned the captain and set fire to the liner.

Immersion of the English sea car fleet Princess Victoria, 1953


Of the 179 people died 31 women (all) and 104 men (71%).

During the storm, the aft gate, and the ship flooded with water. The ship was silent for a long time, but the courts who came to the rescue could not find it in any way. The situation repeatedly, when women and children were planted in one boat, and it was her wave turned over. The rest of the boats did not really go out.

Soviet tragedy. Steamer Admiral Nakhimov, 1986


Of 1243 people died 251 women (37%) and 172 men (31%).

A cargo ship crashed into the steamer. The ship went under water in 7 minutes. The captain managed only to manage to leave the ship, and the team is to reset a few rescue rafts.

Ferry crash Estonia, 1994


Of the 989 people killed 459 women (95%) and 393 men (78%).

The cause of the death of the ferry is the bad weather conditions and constructive disadvantages. Cold water, strong roll, many could not get to the deck, could not pull the boat, only inflatable rafts. A few actions are known about the actions of the team, the help turned out, but some special preferences were not done.

Filipino Princess Stars Ship, 2008


Of 800 people killed 320 women (98%) and 471 men (90%).

The princess probably died due to Typhoon. Rescuers arrived only after 24 hours, with boats and dams were problems. About the actions of the team little is known.

Russian motor ship Bulgaria, 2011

Of the 186 people died 79 women (73%), 31 men (40%).

The ship sank at high speed and, for unknown reasons, two ships, the first to have a crash site, who survived did not help. Statistics are predictable.

Translation and text: Ponomareva Elizabeth

Sources Photo: Wikimedia Commons, Freakimi.ru

Announcement: Reproduction of the painting of I. Aivazovsky "Welcome in the Athos Mountain"

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