15 coolest and mimic pets


Future owners of any pets before you have someone - whipping all the Internet in search of useful articles. To facilitate their fate, we collected fifteen different mimic animal animals and wrote about them the most important thing. Looking at this endless lunizing, I immediately want to rip off the victorious screams in the nearest pet store and drag all the pets home. And then squeeze, feed, iron!

Dwarf fold rabbit

An incredibly cute bunny with hanging ears and a good, quiet character. It is easy to keep in a regular apartment. For breakfast - Morkva, for lunch - germinated wheat, for dinner - your computer wires, if you do not have time to isolate them from the pet. Always nibble and everywhere, in the rain and heat, in spring and summer. But it is necessary to show some patience in the upbringing - and the eared crown is already devotionally sits on your lap and gladly looks at some militant. Combine such a tooth science often: no one has canceled chopencies from negrosity. The cost of lopower rabbit is from 1000 rubles.


This romoca of Latin American fur with small ears will enslave you in the pet store. After buying a rodent, an uncontrolled desire - to spit, squeeze, iron, scratching a shaggy back - will arise in the most inappropriate moment for you. They answered an important call on work issues - and on the screensaver you have chinchillenok. So what? How to shout on subordinates? So it remains - only to die and shall be the sounds of "Utusyu and Anyan". But be careful: the harmful character of the chinchilla is inherited. So before buying, if possible, find out more about his ancestors. If you bite and ready to pull your hand - it's better to postpone. And yes, by the way, for daily hygiene chinchillas requires special sand collected by blond viruses on Mount Yyan. We are joking. In fact, chinchillas for swimming is needed ... volcanic dust! But you do not worry, in the pet store the desired sand will pick you up. Remember: than an unusual animal - the more attention to the trifles. The cost of chinchilla is from 4500 rubles.


In the forest, these kids live from the strength of the year two: the bad climate is affected and the lack of vitamins. At home Planck "I Will Survive" ("I will live," - English) takes off on an unimaginable height. Live tailed and striped 10-15 years. From the required conditions: a meter cell per meter, two houses (one for nuts, the second for living), affectionate treatment and clean water. The chipmunks are extremely clean and lonely in life. So the ramp of the heart should not lead to the cheek immediately in the house - first find out about the habits of your pet. Lost with your fingers behind the tail and poke in the stomach, we also do not recommend. May be squeezed and reducing to blood. But this is an extreme case. Be affordable and patient with the baby - after a couple of months, he will be manual and finally starts to tap your food from you from under the nose. The cost of the chipmunk - from 5000 rubles.


Long pads, Shalun and Balover are all about ferret. Unbearable dear, it is impossible not to hug. And he is only happy. But do not forget to go to the brank and remove the paranal glands. It is because of them ferrets called stinky. Yes, what is there, not in vain called, aroma from them be healthy. But if you do everything right in the clinic, then one silty remains and endless playfulness. True, if you do not educate - ferret will begin to bite you for the legs at any convenient case. And the wallet hide away: there are cases of torn wallets and hiding them under the sofa, for the sofa, on the closet, under the closet, under the carpet and in the mezzanine. The cost of ferret is from 5000 rubles.

American Kerl

Representatives of this breed claim the title of owners of the most cute ears in the Feline family. There were all the false kittens, they, of course, too miles. But American Cerlons have ears turned back, fur out. Very rare breed, brought in the states thirty years ago. They are short-haired and long-haired. The latter is harder in care, they must be combed twice in the week: otherwise - hello, chopencies! The cost of American Kerla is from 7,000 rubles.

Japanese Hin.

This dog is suitable for those who love to do the hairstyles, comb and bother with hair in every way. Doggy, understandable thing. Because the Japanese Hin has some solid infinity. In addition, they are very social dogs, require constant attention. Otherwise, they become sluggish, sad, closed and depressed. Do not offend Japanese hins, take them on the handles! The cost of Japanese Hina - from 10,000 rubles.

Comandor or Hungarian Shepherd

Mop dog, she is the Hungarian Shepherd Shepherd. Huge Pompon, Rastaman in Dreda, a rope lump - that's all about the komondor. He has a very funny look: thanks to unusual wool, growing strutted dreadlines, the dog turns into a snowball. Such a hairstyle is formed by Peskov to two years. And before that, they resemble fluffy bears, which is also very cute. Dreadlocks are not combed and not cut, so over the years there is all hairy and more. And dirtier, because the dirt sticking to the wool has not yet been canceled. The cost of comondor is from 12,000 rubles.


It's just not possible not to fall in love with these huge black eyes and folds around the entire Taurus. It seems that Pesk apologizes all the time, and even if this is a miracle, it is impossible to forgive him. And the pugs are completely charming in different suites and sweaters. True, at the same time snoring, overeat and require special attention to their person in all senses: from caring to treatment. Well, who of us is perfect? Another interesting fact: the dog is square. And we are now completely serious. The average pug's average proportions (according to official breed standards) - 33 centimeters in the withers and 33 centimeters in length. Maybe this is the main reason for their comfort? The cost of pug - from 15,000 rubles.

Bengal Cat

In appearance, a real leopard, in size and character - a domestic cat. Some belong to this breed is wary: "And she does not eat the owner"? But in fact, it is the milestone creature. These cats inherited from their ancestor, wild leopard cat, a unique coloring, an incredible grace and crazy love for water games. Close the door to the bathroom! The cost of the Bengal Cat is about 15,000 rubles.

Yorkshirski terrier

She also breed for lovers of small dogs. Yorkshires can be funny, buy them funny outfits and shoes. In general, having fun with them in full - Barbie will be forgotten. A full-fledged living toy with a priest character, cute face and british roots. Motherwise meteors, which since childhood you need as quickly as possible to teach the toilet. Otherwise, a child who will have to change diapers will have to be changed. The cost of Yorkshire Terrier is from 15,000 rubles.

Bolognese or french bolon

Very fluffy, kind and smart dog. Perfectly leaving for training and gets perfectly with children. Acknowledged little shaggy nanny. Infinite dedication and activity are the distinctive features of these cute dogs. Their internal content is fully consistent with Angelic appearance: besides stylish gait, these dogs have a big charm. Unpretentious, but make sure every day. The cost of bolognese - from 15,000 rubles.


Watching a house such a mukhtar will not be able, sneakers are also hardly dragged, but it gives a huge aesthetic pleasure. Very tactile dogs, adore when they are squeezed and scratch. Hands may not tolery the clock. Chihuahua possess a very stable psyche, fearless, as well as incredible endurance. Sophisticated. In general, solid advantages. Cost of Chihuahua - from 15,000 rubles.

Russian Toy Terrier

Dwarf dog, absolutely unsuitable for life in the wild. This tiny dog ​​with eyes on a downtreate constantly needs attention as a small child. It does not smell with hands and tremble, if you do not dress up in a jacket or knitted vest. Ideal for those who have nowhere to do tenderness and attention. The dog is ideal for large cities: it feels great even in the smallest apartment, very unpretentious in care, if the owner is desired, the host calmly tends to go to the tray. But it is in an extreme case, if you are wildly too lazy to walk with pets in bad weather. We hope that will not reach it. The cost of the Russian Toy Terrier is from 18,000 rubles.

Dwarf Pomeranian Spitz

This is a live soft toy. Literally the teddy bear who runs after you in the apartment, wears slippers and rub about the legs. Mimiciness of these dogs exceeds the norms approved by the European Convention on the Protection of Human Rights. They are criminally miles. In addition, this spitz is distinguished by intelligence and smartness: by five months your dog without difficulty will remember the main teams and will obey you unquestionably. The cost of dwarf orange spitz - from 20,000 rubles.

Siberian Husky

This is an old ride dog breed, they are able to live and work in the most severe conditions. Husky has such a serious fruit expression that they became an Internet meme. Network jokers are called the husky "Dog-Supil". In general, it is incredibly cute creatures that love to nursing with children. Very mobile and playful breed, the best partner on a jog. ATTENTION: Husks love to the spacious, so it's not worth it as a room dog. In addition, the riding dog needs a great physical activity every day. The cost of husky begins from 25,000 rubles.

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