10 ridiculous myths about women


Damn him knows why women are surrounded by so the number of myths. Some are invented by men - to make a woman obey. Some have come up with themselves, so that we are already behind us, finally, with stupid questions.

But the remaining three volumes of the encyclopedia "myths and legends about women" - where did they come from? From the Heavenly Office, sent us to live not boring? Let them read this torment there yourself, that's what. And PICS will better write that it is all the wrong, not true, not true!

There are no geniuses among women

We say "no geniuses", mean "because they are very stupid." Hell no. In patriarchal society, a woman cannot be a genius, because - who will give her? And even if the opportunity to create a woman was - who will tell about it? Everyone knows Lord Bayron, a brilliant poet. Does anyone know hell Lavlace, his daughter? This woman has amounted to the first program for the computing machine. She is the first programmer in the history of mankind. But children in schools are still told only about Maria Curie. As if she was the only brilliant woman in the world.

Women adore children

Other children Woman loves in one case: when she wants to get his own. In this short period, really, the children do us like. In general, everything. If the woman does not want to have a woman or, on the contrary, already started a couple of spinographers, other people's children are most likely annoyed. Because women spend a lot of time with children. And in the know that these "Angels actually represent themselves. This is the silence of hell, the right word.

Women are wrapped for themselves

Gnull lies! Thus, supported by women themselves. They love some to fluff feathers and proceal about how they are miles of twelve-bentimeter heels and artificial eyelashes, because it is beautiful. Yep. Only at home this beauty sits with the washed physiognomy, in slippers and comfortable pants shocked by chocolate. But in general, she, of course, very much like the possibility of breaking the ankle or get skin cancer. Therefore, she and stiletto wears and in the solarium roasts. For yourself.

Women - Sweetka.

It's true. Some women are like some men. But not all women at all. All women in general are a predator. In the sense, the female organism is incapable of functioning normally without animal proteins, the reproductive system will cover a copper basin rather quickly. But men can easily live on the beans, nothing will happen to them.

Women are non-aggressive

Even the serial killers among us - one and a half cripples for the whole story, not to mention the simple lovers to drag someone in the breadless. In fact, of course, women are still aggressors, just rarely use gross physical strength to manifest their fury. What for? You can have a cyanide in the food. Pouring all the business.

Women are not interested in pornography

Are you serious? Mwahahaha.

Women want married

Not. These men want to marry. If the men did not come up with a monogamous marriage, then the shameless individuals were crazy and talent would finish their regrettable existence, not leaving the offspring. Because who needs them, diseases? Well, now, when patriarchal laws begin to flourished on the seams, women marry anyone do not want. Well, if the brains were wellwicked with a qualitatively - they still come out, and then, rapidly bred. With a sense of completed debt.

Women like to engage in routine work

So it seems the picture - a woman sits, puts letters in the envelopes and he rolls away from pleasure. True, for some reason I immediately want to draw a dripping saliva. And the background washed to include. No one likes the routine work, just it is precisely for women more often to perform it.

Women - weak floor

There will be sea, glad and plague. In the sense - hunger, thirst, excavating radiation background, an epidemic of some nasty well and zombiapocalypse to a heap. And when this bouquet of joys will finish off the last man, we will with the shoulders and agree - well, yes, we are weak. We have the truth of the muscular mass is much less.

Women need sex for love

And otherwise no pleasure, how, like. We eat only on love, we sleep only on love, recovering - exclusively for love. But if in a traffic jam three hours just, and then you finally get to the toilet, you still have to think about whether we have time to love this piece of Sanatayans? And then you never know - I will not get pleasure.

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