# Scientist: Sun lose weight


The latest information from scientists about the sun is what: even if we take into account that ultraviolet causes skin cancer, the overall health of the health of health strongly outweighs these risks. So, we'll figure it out.

# Scientist: Sun lose weight 39666_1
Now the Sun is attributed to numerous beneficial effects and protective properties. The sun rays help to fight obesity, prevent heart attacks, asthma and multiple sclerosis. It has also been proven that the sun enhances libido and improves the mood. And the point here is not only and not so much in vitamin D, which is necessary for the health of bones and teeth and helps prevent intestinal cancer, but in the solar rays themselves.

Now scientists have found confirmation that the body produces nitrogen oxide, which has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and is involved in serotonin production.

The lack of the sun is harmful as smoking.

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A new study is based on observation for 20 years for 30,000 Swedish women. Active "sunbursts" died less frequently for two decades. Among the observed was strongly reduced by the level of heart disease and diseases that are not related to oncology. Dr. Pel Lindquist, engaged in this study, found that the mortality rate among non-smoking and non-smoking people was comparable to the mortality of smokers, obsessed with sunbathing.

Older people need more sun.

Dermatologist Richard Weller from the University of Edinburgh published a call to the elderly to be in the sun. A group of scientists, together with the Weller, came to the conclusion that staying in the sun reduces blood pressure and, thus, reduces the risk of cardiac shocks.

The sun helps to fight inflammatory processes.

Scientists from Cambridge found out that the formation of cell formations forming the imune and protective system of a person accelerates in summer.

The sun helps to remain in the form and do not get fat

Scientists from Southampton and Edinburgh suggested that sunlight helps in maintaining a form. This conclusion came after an experiment with mice, which were kept on a high-calorie diet and exposed to ultraviolet.

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The results showed that ultraviolet is opposed to the development of obesity and the diabetes of the second type. Assumptions are based on the effects of the same nitrogen oxide, without which insulin is poorly produced and diabetes develops.

Another experiment on the effect of the Sun on the human health was held in the United States using a satellite, which kept how much sunlight received 16,000 people for 15 years of observations. The results were widely in the University of Alabami and came to the conclusion that those who spent more time in the sun were less susceptible to cardiovascular diseases.

Also a response was received, why in the sun we feel happier. The fact is that the wavelength in the sun beam stimulates the sensors in the retina, which is responsible for our biorhythms, during the work of which is produced by melatonin, hormone sleep. And a failure in the development of melatonin is associated with depression and diseases Alzheimer and Parkinson.

Helps preservation of vision in children.

The lack of the Sun is harmful to childview. Australian scientists found out that children conducting a lot of time in the room are more likely to be short-sighted. The fact is that the sun makes producing more dopamine. This neurotiator helps to restrain the increase in the eyeball, leading to the formation of myopia.

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