Pieces that really need mothers (in fact, no)



The closer the maternity hospital, the higher the degree of consumer madness. And then there is also the entire Internet chorus in the chorus: you do not have a mobile, feeding pillows and diaper sniffers? Yes, how are you going to survive, the irresponsible is you a woman?! Mommies - easy prey for weak marketers, but pics.ru only skeptically curvates eyebrows and gives you a list of things, without which even the most starting mother and her zay can be perfectly done.

Speaking teaching toys

Fur or plastic something, the voice of the maniac speaking "I see you, baby," in itself can bring a person with imagination before nightmares. And if the dad guess to wash the monster, then at best it stops forever, and in the worst - begins to hastily hoarsely. Uri, where is he a button?! Children, who did not reinforce the facial expressions, does not develop.

Utilizer diapers

In the theory, everything is fine - throw a diaper into this Shaitan car and get at the exit neatly sealed sausage in a polyethylene. In practice, it turns out that special cassettes for the recyclarator still try to find, at the price they are comparable to precious metals, and in the end this device smells anyway.

Soft work tools

Teddy saw and rag hammer. Mom and dad, do you keep me for a fool? Even the wooden and plastic workers of labor are interested in children very weak, and soft is generally a layout for suckers. Where is the most interesting to the dad, the Pope is a real jig and to cut the leg of the chair.

Gaming consoles

Think, a child will pass through the buttons to press the buttons and leaves your iPhone alone and the remote from the telek? Well waged. Of course, somewhere from half a day, everything will go like in the oil - the heir to steal in the buttons in the buttons, the panel of yells, beeps and squabs, and you are migrating a migraine. But very soon, the remote will lose the charm of novelty and the child again will start to toys with a real phone, sending your superior to the text with the text like "Fritystr".

Sterilizer and bottle heater

An excellent example of how Mam's fears raise sales of meaningless gadgets. For washing, there are water from under the tap (you do not live in an African outback?), For heating - Microwave and the same jet of warm water, and the most nervous can shove the bottles into a double boiler, there is definitely no microbe survive. Or add a bottle of boiling water, exactly the same effect.

Pillow for feeding

It is easily replaced by conventional soft pillows laid out around you in strategically faithful places.

Baldahin over the crib

Well, finally you can realize your dream about Princess Spallenka! Baldahin creates beauty and comfort and saves from mosquitoes. Very useful thing in the taiga. In the urban apartment, this damn rack basically collects dust and interferes with stacking the heir to the crib. But the cats like that there is, that is.

Envelope on an extract

Festive packaging for a new citizen of the world - you are fantastically meaningless. Worse only kumachov tapes for a witness and witness at the wedding. Silk knottle with ruffles and bows will come in handy exactly once and that if you are a conservative opponance of the child's transportation in autolo. Unlike a transformer overalls, which will serve for a long month and combines with automotive fasteners.

Cream under diaper


An ordinary children's cream for a half penny is completely coping with irritation, which is on the children's priest, which is on your own. The cream under the diaper who stands as a canister of Molden Trying from Chanel, makes the same thing in principle.


Most infants consider walkers with some kind of sophisticated tool. Doctors with them, in general, are solidar. Walkers do not develop a baby in any way, it's just a means to neutralize it - or to "walk" as early as possible to boast other mothers - "and we went to 2 months!". The later diet starts to walk, the higher the chances that the muscles and ligaments will have enough to grow to straight.

Mobile with a million melodies

You will have these melodies to get bored for chat, the heir maybe even earlier.

Slide for bathing

Designed for children of giant cuttlefish from Sirius. Most Earthlife's parents cannot understand how sideways to apply a human baby to it and, most importantly, why do it. Children-earthlings are also not delighted - they believe that this adaptation is created in order to immobilize them and probably drown. And protest, and who would not protest.

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