8 dishes that can conquer the heart of any man


Are you waiting for a man to visit and think to hit him with your culinary talents? Bought a beautiful culinary book with recipes from the best chefs? Planning to buy seafood at the price of the wing from Boeing? Well, in vain. High kitchen dishes He and in the restaurant. You will not surprise anyone.

But the forgotten taste of childhood will not only be surprised, but also you wonder. Straight into the heart.

Salad of sauerkraut

Winter. Evening. From the kitchen appetizing smells of cutlets and mom is already knocking on the edge of the pan with a puree for mashed potatoes. This sound is like a starting gun shot: you throw up a book and carry in the hallway for the jacket. Because you ordered to bring cabbage from the balcony, and you forgot, forgot! And slip slippers forgot. Therefore, you stand on one foot - the floor is ice. And the cabbage is ice, but still searched. Huge piece. This piece will be broken, watered with fragile sunflower oil and sprinkled finely chopped onions. And the acidic ice floes will criste on the teeth. Remember, right? So, he also remembers. In addition, he himself smashed this cabbage-ice bluing, and for sure, repeatedly beat his fingers with a hammer. And from this cabbage became only tastier.

The secret of this salad is in frost, of course. So just buy a plastic bucket in the supermarket with a cabbage and Sun in the freezer. Get out 20 minutes before dinner.

Ureated apples

In the grandmother's rustic house there were two very terrible places - the attic and the basement. In the attic it was necessary to climb every day, so that in the warm friendly company to tell the horror stories. It was never necessary to climb the cellar, because the heroes of the horrors are undoubtedly there they lived there. Well, a black hand and a canon - cannibal exactly from there. And there was a barrel there. Filled with acutely smelling water, which refrigerated his hands so that it became clear, from where, in fact, a black hand took. But in this water they swam strong, tart, buty-sweet uriced apples. Cold - Already my teeth lomico. Indispensable in hot noon. And only boys descended for them. Who got apples - that hero. On the faithful death they walked, if you think.

Of course, cook apples yourself, you can hardly become - where are you from the barrel, right? Fortunately, you can buy them. But do not let the seller put apples in a naked package - only with brine! And even in a bottle of another pickle nallet - it has a bottle, if it sells the right apples. Houses of transfer of apples in a saucepan and this very brine. And in the refrigerator they are.

Omelet "Knevdovsky"

My mother has never succeeded. Tight, but at the same time air. Cut on perfectly smooth rectangles, but wave from above. Elastic and amazingly plump. It is definitely a little warm - it was necessary to sit on the hot, to shine in it for a fork, see how he trembled. Wait until cool down. A warm olette melting in his mouth completely independently and left behind a wonderful creamy aftertaste. The recipe for this omelet is a mystery covered with darkness. It is rumored, it was prepared from the egg powder, but neither the proportions, and the exact recipe did not save the story. And it is not known where to take egg powder. However, almost an accurate copy of the kindergarten omelet can be recreated: 6 eggs, 300 ml of milk and a pinch of salt should be mixed, but in no case to beat! Heat the oven to 200 degrees, lubricate the shape of the oil, pour into it the egg mixture and bake for about 30 minutes. Serve, shutting a tear of lunizing.

Milk soup

If you think so, then this is not at all soup, but the vermicelline in milk. But it was this vermichel in milk once and forever divided us on their own and strangers. On those who love dairy fifts and those who hate them. Yellow wrinkled film in the center of the plate. Pull, sweet, creamy. Disgusting. Delightful. No matter, loved your man these most fakes or hated - the film should be, and that's it! To patch it with your finger, and the finger then lick, driving the eye. Or, on the contrary, discerning him about the edge of the plate. But without a film - not that! This elementary soup is not so easy to cook, in fact. Because it is possible to serve it only for breakfast. So - you have to get up early and go to the market. And there choose the real rustic milk. From the cow which. Do not even try to prepare milk soup from shop milk - terrible impression will turn out. And without foam.

Canned Fish Soup

Only and exclusively from the pink salmon in their own juice. Sair is gritting and all spoils. It was necessary to progress only an evil onion bow, which we, letting the leaky eyes, climbed the freshest rye shoe, thick salted. And they tried to kill the burning soup. For some reason, he always was burning. Probably because it was usually prepared in winter. Therefore, the expiration of not only tears began above the plate, but also snot. Well, just with a slide. Wet pants, cheeks red. Mom is driven due to the table in the bath - to highlight. And the fingers do not obey - frozen. Only soup can save the hero dying from frostbite. Only fish soup! What this soup is good - he does not have any secrets, and he is preparing elementary. Although no - there is a secret: the bank of the humpback should be only one. And a piece of fish in a plate should be only one. Puffs a plate, and then go for a minute. And do not go, while he can't catch his pan from the pan.

Dumplings with vinegar

This recipe is for a serious relationship, they will not hit them on the first home dinner. Because dumplings should be sculpt alone. And certainly together. To undergo a wet towel, there is a tight dough, from which the balls are unnoticed and go to the mouth. Mmmm ... But the most important thing in domestic dumplings is still vinegar. Before you catch ready-made dumplings from the pan, pour into a bowl of some water in which they were cooked. Observe the vinegar - the easiest, apple. And densely. And plugs hide much away! Pelmeni must eat spoon. Pick up the dumplings and omit in a bowl with vinegar. Catch and send your mouth. And immediately greet. To first burned with acute acid, and immediately - hot meat broth.

Fish under Maroyadom

The dish is definitely festive. Because if it was preparing my mother - it means there will be guests. And if it was preparing in a school canteen - then cheers, food! The sour-sweet marine "fur coat" saved any skinny heck, magically turning his badly smelling pale flesh into something gentle and fragrant. In general, this is an amazing dish. We understood that this recipe was very born very simple: it was necessary to somehow utilize the inedible fish and vegetables that are already so bad that they can be finely grate. But delicious as it was! Accordingly, the secret of this dish is still the same - prepare it from some nastiness. Take the same heck. Or Mintai Take. Cod do not need, it does not stink. The fish should be so that the spirit captures - only then it will not break her terribly sour tomato paste. Yes, the paste must be so acidic so that you have a tear from the eyes sprinkled when you try the floor of a teaspoon. And let the carrot be expensive - the one that kneads in beautiful bags is lying. She is very sweet. Carrot from childhood, was sweet, because leaving. Yes, where now take such a thing.

Chocolate sausage

8 dishes that can conquer the heart of any man 39662_8
The best dessert in the world. That is, the best immediately after Mamina Napoleon and boiled condensed milk. But for attempts to weld the condensed milk, it was possible to scream on the ears, so be sure - your man already tried to cook it. Actually, this is the first thing that he did, as soon as he moved from his parents. And Mother Napoleon is what he eats whenever they visited them. But chocolate sausage he did not try twenty years for sure. Because the butter is an evil cholesterol, and the "Jubilee" cookie is now with nuts, with cereals, with a feature of Lysim. In fact, the simplest "anniversary" lies on the lower shelf in the store. And there - cocoa powder without sugar and vitamin complex in the composition. That's all take and make sausage. As in childhood. The most important thing is not to wrap a sausage in the food film. It should be in foil. To not immediately deploy. To suffer, anticipating. Well, in order to spit, then by those pieces of foil, which never managed to tear off. It is the most delicious.

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