Stalin Objecting Day. How joke about the leader abroad


In RuNet, the anniversary of the death of Joseph Stalin is a reason for heavy memories and endless disputes. And in the English-language Internet, where it is more difficult to meet a person whose family suffered in the Stalinist years, having fun with greetings with young photogenic Stalin, suspiciously similar to Hipster.

We dream about the time when this name, indeed, will be only a name from the history textbook and a harmless reason for jokes. For example, for such.


("Enters the heterosexual Pub Menshevikov - comes out of the homosexual pub Bolsheviks").


("Hey, Girl, do you want to look at my Gulag?")


("Forget about five-year plan, let's collectivize in my bed tonight").


("My favorite guard - the KGB. You probably never heard about it"). Approx. The editors are a hint of Meme about Hipster, which believes that his interests are too original for ordinary people.


("You are handsome in law, recognize it").


("I think that you do not know about my victims, they are like underground"). Approx. Editorial This is a joke on a hipster with original tastes. Underground is underground, and literally dungeon.


("Everything was cold and the NKVD type did painful") approx. Editorial This is a reference to the quotation from Wannegut: "Everything was beautiful and not hurt."


("I am surely sure about life is something more than to be really unbearable pretty. And I plan to find out what it is." Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, 1878 - 1953).


And our favorite. Signature To this picture on English-speaking sites, says: Young Stalin on a Mountain Retreat, Desperately Researching The Formula for the Perfect Facial Hair. ("Young Stalin in the mountains desperately calculates the formula of ideal mustache").

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