When religion is toxic. Psychologist's opinion


Psychologist, Cauchet and coach Natalia Stilson - about why religion can be toxic than it is different from faith and why many people run to the church "put a candle" for the opposition.

Religion is a difficult and multilateral topic to tell about it only a few words. It is assumed that people invented it all themselves in order to explain the frightening world and what is happening around themselves and make at least something managed. Probably, the ancient people were very scary and lightning, and wild animals and wanted to avoid all this horror. And even though we put themselves high above the ancient savages, modernity not only did not facilitate our fate, but also probably complicated.

We also can't predict where the lightning will hit, we cannot control the emergence of new diseases, and old diseases can not all cure, wild animals at least (at least in civilized countries), but still attack people. We are still exposed to the impact of elements, although we can predict their appearance. And what to say about the mass of other things that an ancient person did not dream in terrible dreams! Their number is also growing and handed. And most importantly, that so far we are not clear and scary - this is death.

Swim in this world of unknownness is hard and anxious. It is necessary to strain a strong brain to realize what is happening, and in the end you will understand that there is not enough brain to understand this. And religion gives us an explanation of everything, even confidence that we can control what is happening around us. It is not necessary to smile smugly and nod to believers that they, they say, fools and weaklings. Can not cope with fear, and, here, please, believe in all nonsense. A considerable part of people in the same way believes in science, without thinking about how much scientific reality is real. Even a big explosion is a concept, a cosmological model. "Yes, there will be a light!" - also a cosmological model. If you believe in it, simply because it is "scientific" and "scientists have proven", then there are few believers in a silent God.
Whatever it was, the religion is based on faith. Faith can work wonders, but not in the way that to push the water seas, stop the sun or resurrect the dead. In terms of psyche of the person himself. Faith in his positive and constructive performance personality develops, makes it mature. A person becomes better, grows over himself, improves his deposits. But the same faith can destroy the person, stretching on the surface of negative features and develop them to disgrace. Vera can be toxic. And it doesn't matter what you believe. At the same time, a person is not focused on his morally ethical reflections and communication with the highest being, not to know and aware of himself in this world, but on the system of obtaining different bonuses from this higher being. Of course, to expect "nishtyachkov" from the big explosion rather unproductive and even strange. For this reason, religious systems, where there is a certain central divine figure, are soil for the development of toxic faith more often. Although there are people who believe that a certain system of values ​​and behavior affects the universe, and if you wish yourself well, the universe will be better expanding in your favor.

A certain system is developing in the man's head, when he undertakes to do something for God, and God in their imagination agrees to an equal exchange. So I prayed 3 times, let me go for it.

Trade relations with God at the level of philosophical concepts, reflections and insights are quite difficult to build. You can, of course, theoretically daily insight try to replace on something material, but it is too complex abstraction for practical performance. Therefore, in this case, faith quickly goes into the category of rituals. Here in the number of rituals executed to evaluate their relationship with God easier.

It is easy to imagine what bonuses in the case of the execution of rituals a simple person can wait. Wealth, the authorities of liberation from problems and responsibility. At least safety, own significance and lack of unpleasant experiences in life. At the same time, God in the eyes of such a believer, as under the contract, undertakes to provide the fact that a person wants. Those. If I prayed, and went to the church for a whole month, be kind, showing a miracle, "And then I curse." True, people are such people ... Nowadays, they often strive to cheat in such a contract. Faith them can be selective. They take from rituals and concepts only what they like that it is not difficult to perform, but from God require the full program. And if God is still not a miracle, people can turn away from their faith on the basis of the fact that God who does not create the necessary good - bad God. Or if God does not make everything easy and nice, there is no God. If he was, he would first fulfill all the desires of people, whatever desires. And so ... how much injustice in the world! So there is no God.
Those people who are under the influence of such a toxic faith, as a rule: one. Combully religious. Did something bad? Run to church, put a candle and read 300 times "Our Father". These are normal rates for a perfect sin. You can still navigate an advance. Well, when he planned to sin. This is like a bribe to God. When I sin, he will close his eyes on sin. I prayed! In this case, the meaning of prayer is lost. The main thing is not to appeal to God, and 300 times. 2. People are more absorbed in the church and in religion. They focus on their features, uniqueness, "good". They tell about how much they pray, how many are reading spiritual books, including rare, as they are heroically, as they have unusually trusting relationships with the priest, how much they give money to the church. And most importantly, all this is "unlike others." 3. In general, in relation to his life they are pretty lazy. Do not solve your problems, do not try to change something in yourself. What for? They fulfill their part of the treaty with God, they cope with rituals. And God must do everything for them. Well, sometimes God can break, check for hardness, but then it will definitely give all the best. four. Show extreme intolerance to others. And not only to those who have other convictions, but also to like-minded people. After all, people live, and sometimes not bad, without corporate rituals. And it is very disappointing that God somehow unfairly distributes happiness. But on God it is dangerous if he becomes angry, then a contract can terminate. It is better to be angry with others and explain their luck in terms of accessories to the dark forces. Yes, and the fight against devils and minions of Satan will give an opportunity to "part-time" from God and receive additional grace. I'm here, the Lord I spend for you, well, do you really not pay me? five. They give to take. All their charitable activities in the church, helping neighbor and donations are made with a clear sight of getting an adequate award for activities.

The fact that such religiosity is not the norm is not a big discovery. At all times, this attitude to the faith was relegated. All imputed priests talk a lot about it and struggle with such an attitude, prevent the dissemination of such trends. All of this they call other names, support the point of view of excerpts from the works of saints and philosophers. But on the other hand, people with a toxic faith are quite controlled mass. They can be easily planted for rituals and special behavior. You will do how we say, God will love you, you will not - burn in Geenna fiery. Yes, and better do not think about religion and about the content of your activities. Just do what they tell you, and you will be happy.

Text author: Natalia Stilson

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