Questions that all bear in December



December, Golden time for Hatteria and intolerance. Light day lasts one and a half hours, on the street ragged upside down, the hat rolls his forehead. Everything around Snow Males in scarves and only you are a snotty monster with a red nose. And now it is now all follows to pull you into a secular conversation and ask questions that are wondering every December.

Where will you celebrate?

As if there are many people on earth who can answer this question earlier than December 30th. However, the practice shows that the best way to arrange a wild party with green trees, champagne splashes and awakening in another city - firmly decide to notice anything, drink a cocoa with moisture and go to bed immediately after the guarantor pushes his speech.

What's so cold!

Incredible fact: the capacity of our memory is enough only from winter to winter. A person can survive 30 Russian junior winters, every time watching the dwarfs freeze on the fly, and still invariably wondering - what, December and minus temperature? How is that?

What will you go for the new year?


Here is a New Year's mystery to you: it's not that blue, not that white, and here it is somehow so, but here there is a stack, and still such a fintiflushka, but on the sleeve the candybober. Talk about a festive dress - I don't care what to describe salute. Russian language is too pale and is inexpressive to pass all its magnificence.

Where is the corporate?

Even the first snow did not really fall, still selfie in knitted hats did not flood instagram, and office gallery are already beginning jealous of corporate enterprises. And we will have a race on a canoe in the pool with champagne! And we rent all the Baikonur for the Open Cosmos Party! And we have a madonna with Galustin's hopak! However, scout the crane: Corporate and corporate, so that the units have survived, most will fall at the bottom of the director before the release of Galustina.

What should I give my husband (granny, niece, parfenu nicodemy)?

Clean the crystal ball - the next two weeks you will have to answer such questions for 20 times per day. Finally, your insight is assessed. From the threshold, it is clear that you can choose a gift to a person who has never seen in the eyes. This is just in case the trouble-free options that are suitable for everyone - a set of brilliance on bream, strapon, encrusted with Swarovski crystals, and a cubic meter of forest.

Where do you fly?


January in the middle lane is so beautiful that a rare psyche will lead his beauty. If you are not going to join the slender blade of migratory bagnits, make the appropriate facial expression - sorrow, mystery and willingness to fight fate strokes. You will have to wear it every time someone will interest your festive route. Otherwise, you still have to explain why you are not flying anywhere and how otherwise you intend to live to the first snowdrops.

Throw in the money until February?

You don't need you money - the corridor you have already saved banknotes, the kitchen, too, and even from the wall of the toilet, Ben Franklin is friendly. Share his smile with those who, unlike you, wants to note the new year, and fly to the Maldives, and Snickers to buy kids.

In the sense of "I work up to 31"? Sust on everything, we already spread out!


What could be more pleasant than to make an annual report (which, of course, can not wait until the next day) under joyful screams of the uptorm friends and the ringing of glasses in someone else's holiday of life? Is that sealing of dental channels without anesthesia.

What will you cook?

Well, as usual: Türbo fillet with a truffle sauce, Nisaaz salad, Tikka Masala and Scholokadny birds. Yes, Olivier, naturally, and you will cook Olivier, and the whole great country in a single impulse will prepare Olivier, fried chicken, meat cutting and vodka. Especially vodka.

Lose weight?

It doesn't matter how much kilo in you and how much you want it yourself - you need to lose weight, otherwise the new year will not come at all. All decent women lose weight twice a year - a week before the battle of the Kurats and three days before departure to the sea.

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