9 rulers who are not lucky


It is said that Robert III, the King of Scotland, once wished that he could have bothered such an epitaph: "It lies the worst of the kings and the most unhappy of people in the whole kingdom." But if Robert was familiar with those rulers, about which we will tell you now, perhaps he would solve that his life and the Board are not so bad.

Valerian I and a bad moment

The commander of Valerian became the emperor in a very bad time: the plague raged in Rome, the neighbors attacked the country from all sides. In 260, the emperor went on a battle with the Persian king Shapur I, but his army was broken, and he himself was captured - the only one of all Roman emperors. Evil Persians to humiliate the enemy, used Valerian as a stand under his feet when she climbed the horse. And when Schapur was tired of such entertainment, he ordered Valerian in the throat melted gold, remove the skin from it, fill it with straw and manure and put it for a demonstration in one of the major Persian temples.

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Vortigan and the danger of outsourcing

In 440, the King of Celts Vortigern decided that he found an excellent way to save Britain from the attacks of Pictites. We just need to hire warlike Saxons (Germans), and let them work! Of course, the Saxians quickly understood that they were the only real military force in the country. For reliability, their leader Hungest invited a friend of Vortigun on the feast and ordered to cut everyone except the king himself. For the next century, tens of thousands of Saxons moved to the island, and after 200 years most of the British Islands were under their control.

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Louis V and youth care

Louis V on the nicknamed lazy became king twice. The first time Dad crowned him at the age of 13, but after 6 years she made sure that his son had more fun than the rules, and canceled his decision. The second time, Louis became the king after the death of his father, but his manner edit completely did not change. He had a chance to improve his position, for which it was necessary to be condemned at the Royal Assembly of the Archbishop of Reimsky. But so far all important persons gathered for the Assembly, the king decided to hunt, inadvertently stumbled, hit his head and, a little whistled after that, suddenly died. He also did not leave the children, because he was married to 13 at elderly Marquis and to fulfill his married duty to Louis appeared not interesting.

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Harold II and rewritten history

The influential and rich magnate Harold Godvinson was the right hand of a childless king Edward confessor. In 1065, Harold was very unsuccessful for business in Normandy: suffered a shipwreck, he was captured, from where the Duke of Wilhelm Normandsky was released and forced to bring him an oath of loyalty. King Edward soon died, and Harolde almost unanimously chose the new king of England. In 1066, Norwegians attacked the country. Only Harold sorted out this threat, as Wilhelm's shores were stuck. Harold had a chance to fuck off, but he was struck by a random arrow. Normans won Britain, and, of course, immediately began to rewrite the story. As a result, a full-worthy ruler Harold entered the chronicles as a gravily "oath".

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Ala hell-Dean Mohammed and the harm of suspicion

Shah Khorezma (from 1200 to 1220) was very afraid of spies and ordered the caravans traveling on the Great Silk Road inspected by killing all the Mongols. When Genghis Khan sent an embassy to Emperor to discuss these attacks and demand compensation, Shah rose the beard of ambassadors and beheaded the head of the delegation. Three years later, 300,000 Mongolian riders were sickling Khorezm from the face of the earth. Cities were destroyed, residents killed or turned into slavery, and Shah himself was forced to escape to the island of lepers, where he died in poverty.

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Eduard II and amoral behavior

English king Edward II led unsuccessful hostilities against Scotland, ordinary people with it are starving, and the suspicious sympathy of the king to the male friends, which he gave extremely expensive gifts, including from his wife Isabella. So, when in 1325, Isabella arranged a plot against her husband, everyone was supported. The king was sent to conclusion and in 1327 killed with the help of non-traditionally used chicken akurgi.

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Enrique IV and lack of Viagra

Enrique IV Castilian rules of Spain from 1454 to 1474. The rules are not too successful, irritating to its indecision in hostilities. At 15 years, Enrique married Blanc II Navarre. 13 years later, the king demanded a divorce, arguing that he could not realize his marital duty for some kind of supernatural reason. A church investigation was conducted and it turned out that the spouse is still innocent. Moreover, several women of easy behavior (they say, not free) confirmed that the king is everything with them. The king achieved a divorce and married Portugal Zhuane. Zhuana gave birth to king daughter, but for some reason he suspected that not from Enrique. The remainder of the queen days spent, novels with different men. As a result, after the death of Enrique, civil war began in the country because of the questions of the Prestiplotia, and the king himself entered the textbooks under the nickname powerless.

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Harrison and the benefits of warm clothes

Does anyone know the President of William Harrison? No, no one knows a poor fellow. This is the US President who died from pneumonia in 1841 30 days after the adoption of the oath. And he was caught just during the pronouncement of inaugural speech. 68 Summer Harrison was the most elderly US president in history up to Reagan. But he really wanted to show that he was a hero at least where. March 4 issued a cold day. Harrison read an incredibly long two-hour speech, standing in the wind without hats and coat. For his treatment, the doctors applied opium, castor oil, serpentine poison and attached even the real snakes, but all this only worsened the state of the old man and added jaundice to inflammation, and blood infection.

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Konstantin II and damned democracy

Greek king Konstantin II - fortunately, alive, but, nevertheless, a very unfortunate European monarch. During his reign (from 1964 to 1967), several government crises occurred in the country, after which the king oversees military dictatorship. Later, the free people's referendum confirmed that the Greeks do not want more monarchy. Konstantina expelled from the country, deprived of property and tell about him offensive jokes. He even applied to the European Court of Human Rights, but did not achieve anything. It is said that having received the tax bills from Greece once, Konstantin exclaimed: "What? Taxes? It is for me to pay me taxes! "

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