Body, sex, food, anxiety: a book about how we find ourselves in the triangles of violence


Not so often in Russia, books speaking a woman talking about the most intimate, the most disturbing, personal - and moreover, not translated from some foreign language (and not implying under the most intimate desire to marry). So we are pleased to present a novelty of the leaving 2017 - "body, food, sex and anxiety. What concerns the modern woman "from the psychologist Yulia Lapina.


We must accept and love your body. The world went crazy on the soil of thin. Stop throwing on full, well, what kind of rudeness is. The ideas that modern Russian is already, in principle, met in women's magazines. But rather superficial their disclosure gave little food in order to think.

Previously, women were not afraid of cellulite, but they wore terrible corsets. Now they do not wear corsets, but fight cellulite. The average woman perceives it as the eternity of the struggle for beauty. Some, so to speak, the definition is not because of which the fuss is to breed.

Julia is not limited to details from the history of beauty. It leads scientific data, forcing me to look at the problem under a slightly new angle. For example, before dysmorphophobia (fear of being perceived as a freak) was a rare diagnosis, which developed on the basis of real painful changes in appearance. For example, scars after burns. Now a woman who does not perceive his body ugly (if she, of course, does not look like on the page of the glossy magazine), it is considered to be abnormal, maybe a treasure, with an overestimated self-esteem or simply stupid. Since when did the hatred for his body become the norm, and its absence is something out of a series of outgoing? It seems that only in the Middle Ages, so violently tried to destroy their flesh, testing it with harsh restrictions in food and various kinds unpleasant to her by manipulations, and considered themselves so dirty through that a huge part of life was devoted to different kinds of cleansing practices. However, about the Middle Ages in the book is not written. They themselves come to mind when you read which mechanisms underlie, for example, anorexia from the point of view of quite classical psychology.

Another interesting point - the author does not seek to simplify the "image of the enemy", writing off all the usual neurosis on the influence of the fashion industry and photoging tricks. She is not looking for a magic pill, which will cure everything and immediately, like "let's just ban the gloss, and everything will fall into place." Yes, it is difficult to believe that the anorexia gave rise to women's magazines, if a disease is known and the disease has been named since the time of Queen Victoria, and they treated it including Soviet doctors. This does not mean that anorexia epidemics does not exist. This means that the human psyche is difficult to arrange.

Another popular myth that Julia considers harmful - stigmatization of parents, accusing them to any psychological problems, including those leading to complex relations with their body, food and sex. So, in the case of the same nervous anorex, the accusation of the mother only prevents the treatment process.

Weight and hunger - both evolution, weight and hunger - and power, weight and hunger - and injury, weight and hunger - and relationships with men, weight and hunger - and marketing tricks, weight and hunger - and the need of a person in global prohibitions. The psychologist considers each of the many aspects affecting the female behavior of the woman and its perception of their body, and each of the many consequences of the modern cult of the Blessed diet. What you do not think about, uttering or hearing the phrase "Sports thin body is a work, this is a work on yourself," finally takes out to your review directly.

But, which is especially valuable, the author says not only about pathologies and problems. It gives a landmark, explaining how healthy relationships with food looks like, and it tells simply and accessible why such relationships are healthy.

A third of the books is devoted to another triangle with the peaks of the "body" and "anxiety", a mirror in relation to the triangle with the vertex "food" - sex. It would seem how much can it be in these triangles? But they really are the twin brothers, as Lapina shows convincingly. Because we see all the same connections: body and sex - and power, body and sex - and stress, body and sex - and marketing, body and sex - and gloss culture.

Very pleasant thing - constant footnotes on articles on the Internet, it is in the form of web links, and not names. Scored - and ready, you can read additional materials to a particular paragraph. Taking into account the fact that so multifactorious discussion (yes, the author seems to discuss all the stated topics with the reader) does not make it possible to delve into each aspect, very valuable.

But, perhaps, confuses that almost 90% of references in the text - to research in the United States, American publications, the experience of the Americans. Of course, it is clear that the reason is in the insufficient number of research and publications from us, but still it gives the effect of removal, as if the problems around the body and anxiety relate to the Russian woman in the strongest, and they live mainly somewhere around the sea ocean.

And yet the book Lapina is the one that we recommended every our readers living in a constant alarm due to the fact that it eats or does not eat, what size of clothes wears and whether it is good in bed with a man. The book of anyone, of course, will not "cure", is just a knowledge, not a magic mixture. But sometimes the information itself, accurate, understandable, reasonable, changes our consciousness and vision.

I read the book: Lilith Mazikina

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