The house should have a mystery. And she - on the antlesol



We read this text of Anton Spa Stampene and thought together: really, what is there, who lives there, on the antlesol? We offer you too to think and at the same time remember childhood, boots and the Great Sokovarka.

Let's talk about the antleesoles. No, really.

Lee makes the mezzanine in new buildings - I am unknown, but in any apartment built in Moscow from 1945 to 1995, Andresoli will definitely find. As a rule, over the corridor leading from the hallway to the kitchen, above the entrance to the bathroom and toilet. Well, what, really, the corridor is of parade, what is there 50-70 centimeters of height? It is better to arrange a closet for storing valuable junk.

And this, I repeat, right and wisely.

For me, Andresol is such a ritual, held in my childhood somewhere in six months. In the hallway, the "front" doors of the mezzanine, a stepladder was put, someone from adults worked on her - usually Mom - and a minute after climbing her upstairs, valuable and rare things began to fly from the mezzani: - Rubber boots; - Valenki (homework, still Prababooks, powered by hand, an unhappy moth victim in the 90s); - badminton grid (this is in addition to rackets, it is a grid, like a volleyball, only smaller).

Then the whole family was called to the rescue, and the king box was shown from the depths, in my then height, intercepted by luggage leather belts. What was there - but God knows him. Truth. Forgot already. But why did you get this box?

Ah, yes. Sure. Seasonal shoes were stored there. For this, it seems, the king box and got it: to change the summer shoes on the winter and vice versa.

If the billet season was on the courtyard, then instead of the ladded, they got a stool, and did not open the "front", but "rear", which in the kitchen, the doors of the mezzanine. From there were removed consistently: metal covers for cans, old siphons, a suitcase with medical banks, acquired on the occasion of an extra Soviet kitchen processor ...

And then I got a firm. This is not a juicer for you, this is an impressive construction of three saucepans on each other with hoses and a thermometer! With her, it was possible to recycle how many sips of apples (really as much as we could only have in 1991 - when the grandmother Zoya died in bitter, and the relatives' friends provided us with only condolences, but also a dozen bags of apples).

And behind the slogan - you will not believe, as I did not believe in the first time, I could have seen the fundamental side of the king box.

Most recently, I have been not living with my parents for ten years - again opened these mezzanine. They seemed terribly small to me ... Compared to the Andresol of my current apartment, a good "half-win." Oh, on the expanses of my mezzanine - two per month and a half, yes, 70 height centimeters - you could turn around. But I just have a repair, and therefore I asked friends: what should I do with the mezzanine?

"To start a flying and speaking cat or a dog," said my old buddy. - And download the mezzanine small and light objects. No other way. Well, if you hang near the porter, the cat can be taken not flying, but just the speaker.

- Blank there is an elevator for drawers, - this is my classmate remembered her dad, masters for all hands. When it did not become, they were trying to repair the cunning electric drives for a long time in the world for a long time, but then they span, we cried and thrown away.

- settle the three cats and lock!

- Or maybe make a guest room? And what, an excellent solution, especially for children from 7 to 12.

- Do not touch! - A colleague, sitting at the next table, drown a voice. And added:

- Should I be in the house at least one mystery? And where then - in a whisper - live your house? ..

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