As a concubine has become an empress: 10 interesting facts about the first woman-emperor of China


As a concubine has become an empress: 10 interesting facts about the first woman-emperor of China 39643_1
The "ruthless", "witty" and "intrigan" is just a few words describing the first woman-emperor of China, Jethyan. Despite all the obstacles that stood on her way of ascent to power, she managed to overcome everything and become one of the most influential women in the history of China. Historians at one time tried to remove the name and achievements of the "Initriage" from Jethyan from history. However, after a thousand years, it still remembers her.

1. She was secretary of Emperor Tha-Zun

Zatyan was born about 624. AD. In a rich and fairly high-ranking family. Due to the fact that her father (rich in the Forers in the forest of Shikhou) had connections at the court, the girl received a good education that the extremely few women could afford to afford. It is said that as soon as the emperor Tha-Zong laid his eyes on Y, when that was 14 years old, he took her in his harem in the rank of Tajen ("talented concubine").

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The girl began to fulfill the functions of the secretary, continuing to engage in the Palace formation, art and music. Due to its beauty and intelligence, I worked for Emperor Tai-Zun to a personal secretary for ten years. Since I had so much time with the emperor, she found out a lot about state affairs, and moreover, herself was responsible for keeping some important documents. During his board, Jethyan used a lot from the fact that she found out at the courtyard of Emperor Tha-Zun.

2. She seduced the son of Thai Tzun to return to the palace

In 649, the emperor Tha-Zong died. Traditionally, when the emperor was dying, all his concubines shaved heads and became nuns. However, it was not similar to other concubines. While still at the courtyard, she seduced if Zhi seduced, the son of Tha-Zuna (who later took the throne under the name Gao-Zong).

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Therefore, when Zestyan went to the monastery, whether Zhi visited her there. Empress Van (Gao-Jun's wife) noticed her husband's interest in and decided to take the situation in his hands. Since Wang's inability to have children led to a conflict with the emperor, Wang said from Jetyan to stop shaving his head and returned to the palace. As soon as he returned, she was awarded the title of second concubine.

3. She used the death of her daughter to become an empress

After the birth of two sons in 652 (Lee Hong) and 653 (Lee Xi'an), yielded the daughter in 654, which was soon found strangled in his crib. Jethyan immediately accused the empress of Van in this, claiming that she envied her children, because they were unable to have them. What is interesting, Jethyan thought out perfectly perfectly - she accused Van not only in murder, but also in witchcraft (both the Van itself, and another compliment of the emperor named Xiao). And it guaranteed that Wang and her family would drive out of the palace.

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After Wang and Xiao left the palace, he ordered to kill them. There are several assumptions about how I killed competitors. The main theory suggests that they cut off the brushes and feet, and then tied their hands and legs and drowned in barrels with wine. Although the real killer of his daughter is unknown, several ancient Chinese and modern historians argue that she killed her daughter to become the empress of the Tang Dynasty.

4. She killed anyone who was against her

As soon as I myself became an empress, removing Wang from my way, she gave the secret police an order to arrest everyone who was against her rule, or planned a conspiracy against her, despite the status of these people. One of the examples of this secret police was the death of Zhanssun Udzhi, the son-in-law of Thai Zun and the close ally of Gao-Jun. Like some Tang Dynasty Aristocrats, UDI was against the fact that he became an empress. Therefore, in order to plug him, Jethyan accused UDI in betrayal, and ultimately he was forced to commit suicide.

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In the end, the emperor Gao-Zong, the husband of U, suffered a stroke, the village of which is landed and handed over some administrative duties W. After some time, Gao-Zong began to worry about that he would fully control power, and asked for one of the ministers to whom trusted, limit the powers of W. However, it was too late. When I learned about these plans, she executed the minister.

5. She sent his eldest son and daughter in the link to become an empress

After the death of Emperor Gao-Zun in 683, he handed the throne to his eldest son to Xianza (who climbed the throne under the name of Emperor Zhong Zun). Zhong-Zong was "under the heel" of his wife, Lady Wei, who prescribed all his family members to high positions at the court. However, Lady Wei tried to imitate the actions of y and to become an empress. Therefore, Jethyan quickly replaced Zhong Zuzun with her younger son Zhu-Zun (whether tribute), sending the older and his wife to the link.

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Despite the fact that Zhu-Zong was officially at the authority, he was essentially an emperor-puppet, and Jethyan made him renounce him from the throne in 690. Then she called ourselves "Jethyan" ("Governor of Heaven") (and "y" means "weapon") and herself took the throne.

6. She considered himself a living Buddha

To be the emperor of the new Zhou dynasty (when Jestian came to power, she proclaimed a new (second) dynasty Zhou, and after her death, the Son again restored the Tang Dynasty) was not enough for Jatian.

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She ordered the Maitrey statues made by her image, and began to argue that was the embodiment of the Maitrei Buddha (Buddhist Bodhisattva, which saves suffering creatures). She also called themselves the Empress Shengsen, which means "Holy Spirit."

7. It was superstitious and paranoid

When Zestyan became the empress of the Zhou dynasty (and the original Tang dynasty), she did not have an irrational fear of the court officials who were against her rule. She began to plant them in prison and execute with the help of (as before) the mystery police.

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To justify such a bloody board, Jetian began to get involved in the omen. Nevertheless, despite several good omen, when a new mountain appeared after the earthquake, one of her ministers said that nature against the Board of W. Empress simply expelled this minister.

8. She had sexual relations with several men in the palace

Even in old age, the Empress had a lot of men. She had a novel with an unreal monk named Huaii, which led to scandals and disagreements at the court. After Huaii left, she had a novel with the infamous brothers Zhang (Zhang Izhzhi and Zhang Changzung). Despite the fact that Jethyan has a very effective rule before that the Zhou dynasty, the love of the brothers made forget about their duties, and she lived in recent years, in fact only having fun.

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The members of the imperial yard eventually entered into a conspiracy against the Empress and its favorites. The brothers were killed in 705, and Zestyan was forced to renounce the throne. Zhong Zun was restored on the throne as an emperor, and Zhou's dynasty again changed the revived dynasty of Tang. Jethyan held the remaining months of his life in the link until she died at the age of 80 or 81 years.

9. She was respected by women and ordinary people.

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Jethyan did a lot for "simple" people. It focused on the construction of irrigation systems and reducing taxes for those who lived in poverty, as well as for farmers. Because of this, many ordinary people of the short-lived dynasty Zhou respected and read W. She also had a great influence on the rights of women. With her, women began to occupy important positions at the courtyard, and also got more freedom and could express themselves as unthinkable earlier.

10. Her grave is empty

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Despite all the improvements that Jethyan had introduced during her rule, they remembered it as an empress-widow, and not as a "real" emperor. Also because of the scandals that surrounded her all my life, after death, the tombstone of Jethyan remained empty, it did not have a single lettering.

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