Wise woman? We agree to be the fools!


On the network for several days, the felt text of the writer, the author of three books, Olga Valyaeva has been walking, Olga Valyaeva about what a smart woman differs from wise.

It is implied, of course, that a wise woman is a real woman, with a capital letter. And smart - so, some kind of fool. You know what? We are tired of us! Slisse yourself this wisdom know where? Although - wait - ka .. no, some grain is there. Let's figure it out. Olga Valyaeva: - A clever woman, finding a mistake of her husband, pinches his nose. And remind you that she warned him about it. A wise woman will support, priogenit, sometimes pretends to notice anything. That's right. First support and gets. And then nothing will notice. And when the unemployed body breaks off from the sofa and asks "dear, and what about our dinner?", Woman burns "AAA! Who's here?!!" OB: - A clever woman in a crisis situation will take the Brazda of the Board and teach her husband to live correctly. Wise woman will very thinly show him the direction and will support intention to reach there. Bravo! What is a subtle and elegant euphemism, eh? Children's "Let's send him for three fun letters" and not standing nearby. OB: - A clever woman will teach children mathematics in spite of everything. And the wise - will see a person in each of them. The PICS edition is not a single smart woman. And there is no wise either. In any case, none of us understood this passage. Can you teach mathematics and stay person? Mathematics teach only special children, who in the secret laboratory first erased personality traits? Some personalities do not necessarily teach mathematics? What is it at all? OB: - A clever woman at work will try to be better than others and not make mistakes. At the same time, most colleagues will relate to it very wary. A wise woman will create an atmosphere of love and heat in the team. Thus, the perfect profession of a wise woman - milkmaid on a dairy farm. Cows love when they are affectionate about them - this is once. And two - a wise woman who does not hover in her mistakes at all - this is a dangerous employee, you will agree. I never know what she is there with an oversight. And by udder, I suppose, not miss. OB: - A smart woman will interfere in the life of his adult children, give them unpatched tips and recommendations, tell them how to raise children. A wise woman will allow children to gain their life experience and will support in any situation. Clear case - try to keep together who even the school course of mathematics has not mastered. OB: - A clever woman will fight with the influence of mother-in-law, defend its independence from parents, swearing with them because of their advice. Wise woman learns to smile, listen silently, agree. And do in your own way. With love. And what year of the happy family life wise woman will begin with love to pack the broken bodies in the packages? Well, just interesting. OB: - A clever woman wants to change the whole world, remake all people around. Wise woman will begin to change herself. And will take others as they are. Hello, arrived. If a wise woman is already a wise, then where should she change? Lose weight, or what? Well, let it lose weight. While smart will teach her children mathematics. It is impossible to produce them with such stunches into the world, the right word. OB: - A clever woman thinks happy one who is right. And the wise woman knows that the right is the one who is happy. "It was a teleproject house-2. See you tomorrow. And we are happy, s! ". Sorry, broke out.

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