4 True feminist meat dishes: tasty, decisively satisfying



What is the cuisine of feminists different from the kitchen of a patriarchal woman? For the second it is a place that she should know.

The evil would be a joke if she was a joke. The promotion book for the young wives "First Year is married" clearly shows how the truth of life is still a patriarchal world. Food in it exists for a man, and a woman is needed to cook food. All the same happens on culinary sites. Try to find a female resource dedicated to cooking for yourself? That's something.

We are not enough for a whole site, and we managed to overcome a small article with harsh feminist recipes.

Chilly named Maria Sklodovskaya-Curie


Although the Sklodovskaya-Curie itself will not name the active fusion, the image of a woman - the Nobel Laureatki did a lot to liberate girls around the world. The basis of the recipe is red meat and white milk; Red and White - National Colors of Poland, Mare Maria.

Ingredients: 0.5 kg of Koreans, 200 ml of milk, 100 g of flour, half a teaspoon salt and ground black pepper, tea spoon, 1 chicken egg, sunflower oil. For a side dish - spaghetti.

Theory: Physiologically, a woman has a higher need for a protein than a man. Red meat helps to avoid anemia during pregnancy and menstruation, in addition, during pregnancy, the protein is also needed as a material for the "building" of the child. Despite this, women traditionally deprived meat since childhood. Even in the already mounted enlightened Europe, the meat was given primarily to the husbands, then the sons, and, if something remained, her wives and daughters were approaching. Lack of protein food in the period of growth is very strongly affected by women, making a difference with a man in size much more than nature conceived her. Despite the constant shortage of an animal protein in the diet, women in most countries perform heavy work on the house, requiring a serious load on the muscles. In general, let me eat meat food!

Practice: Meat cut on 4-8 pieces, repel. On the plate mix salt, sugar, pepper. Wet hand to dial this mixture and wipe on chop. Repeat with the second side. And so with each piece of meat. Chops put in a deep plate, pour with milk and leave for half an hour. In order not to spend these half an hour on the cooking of a complex side dish, put water under Spaghetti, wait when it boils, add salts, oil, throw spaghetti. In a plate with sugar residues, salt and peppers, smash the egg, pour flour into another plate. Pour some oil on the pan, put warmer on medium heat. Each chop to dive into the flour, to dip in the egg and lay out in the heated oil. Little to zoom in fire and fry from two sides until readiness. Meanwhile, do not forget to leak ready-made spaghetti. Eat everything cooked with the faithful husband-husband and the continuents of your great female dynasty. Send the first wash dishes, stove, tables, floors and the universe, since he did not participate in cooking this time.

Beef Memory of Olympia de Huz


The creator of the "Woman and Citizens' Rights Declaration", the hot revolutionary and at the same time the opponent of the revolutionary terror, Olympia de Gouuz was born in the family of a French butcher, so beef and red wine in this recipe are inevitable. The orange will remind us of the sad end of the writer and feminists - she cut off her head.

Ingredients: 900 g of beef fillet with two and three slices, 400-450 g onions and carrots, orange, 750 ml (bottle) of dry red wine, teaspoon of ground black pepper, two teaspoons of salt, vegetable oil.

Theory: Around the world, women are in a state of constant malnutrition or even starvation. It is beneficial to Patriarchate, because it deprives them of physical and moral forces for protest. If in undeveloped countries, a man is directly taken away in their favor, in the "civilized world" women as if no one makes no one forces food ... In addition to the ubiquitous cult of diets and constant condemnation by a male chorus not enough wast women. Scientists argue that due to the imposition of a diet as a norm of life, most of the fully financial wealthy women regularly undernourish, receiving all the consequences of malnutrition up to the waste of their resources for permanent thoughts on food and overcoming the desire to eat, as well as digesting their own muscles and ... brain.

Practice: Invite the sisters by movement, because even if the diet is not to eat so much to eat so much, and it is sinner to prepare an estimated dish without reason. Put a deep frying pan with oil on fire. While the oil is heated, mix salt and pepper in a plate, cut break meat and put in the pan. Frying it on medium fire for about ten minutes, not forgetting to turn over in the middle of the process. Girlfriends Meanwhile, let the onions and carrots be labeled. Put meat on the dish, and the onions and carrots of the waterborne in the same frying pan, add salt and pepper and Pepper and Passeuri again. Again 10 minutes. Sisters, meanwhile, let the orange and cut the peel into small pieces. Add these pieces into parseshed vegetables and luche bottle of wine. While the liquid in the pan boosts, divide and eat with girlfriends an orange, it brings closer and just tasty. Now put meat into a boiling wine broth, bring everything to a boil again, cover the frying pan with a lid and take off the fire. Heat the oven to 175 degrees, put the frying pan right with the lid on the middle shelf. Meat will steal there somewhere and a half or two hours, just you can arrange a small meeting, discuss hot news or the theory of feminism (for the purpose of growth of self-consciousness). By the way, if instead of one bottle of wine, you accidentally bought two, then I did it right, the meeting under wine goes much more interesting. And under the pictures more. Put ready beef in vegetables on plates and eat with complete pleasure.

Pork in the Spirit of Alexandra Collay


The world's first diplomat woman, a fiery revolutionary, feminist from Marxism was terribly busy all the time, so it would be inappropriate to devote to her too troublesome dish.

Ingredients: 500 g of pork, 1 salty or pickled cucumber, 2 tablespoons of crushed walnuts, a bunch of parsley, 2 cloves of garlic, 3 tablespoons of yogurt without additives. On the garnish - rice in bags.

Theory: The patriarchal society is surprisingly hypocritically applies to female aggression. On the one hand, it inspires the woman that her aggression can not be in any way, the woman is gentle and delicate. On the other hand, it takes all measures to prohibit and suppress any manifestation of allegedly absent aggression. On the third, however, only until this aggression is directed to other women. Then it is "normal" and "in female nature" (and, by the way, allows you to keep women in the hard framework, without applying the efforts of men). Meat chopping is a traditional outlet for the release of depressed aggression. But such sublimation is not needed by feminists, because they take their natural properties as it is. Meat they beat off just like that.

Practice: Put water under fig. Cut the meat with portion pieces, swelling them, sustained and pemer. Put the frying pan on the middle fire, lay out the pork, wrapped a little fat, slightly increase the fire and on the fried oil fried meat on both sides. Put rice to boil, put in a deep plate finely chopped parsley and cucumber, pressed garlic, nuts. Stir it all with yogurt. The meat is put in the form or just a baking sheet, top with a sauce, put into the oven for 20-30 minutes. During this time, just have time to cook. Want to invite someone for dinner, but you want, eat meat in one face and put aside for Lanchbox and dinner tomorrow.

Chicken medallions Bell Hoks Style


Bell Hooks is a black feminist, born in the poor family in the fifties. All the delights of the positions of women, the poor and blacks she knows no obstacle. Perhaps because she grown acute to the tongue. We also add a little acute to the dish dedicated to her.

Ingredients: Chicken meat from breast and beer of one chicken, on a teaspoon of salt, sand sugar, two teaspoons of ground red pepper and turmeric, half a teaspoon of ground ginger, 3 tablespoons of flour, vegetable oil. On the side dish - boiled potatoes, spaghetti or rice.

Theory: Poverty is a female face. This is an objective fact. In the low-income family, it is a woman as much as possible to give up a variety in food and good clothes and shoes in favor of a man and children. Most of the poor families are families with single mothers. Women's work is paid much less - depending on the country, the difference can be from a few percent to two, three- and multiple. The most affordable animal protein for women is chicken meat. Many and see him only on the festive table.

Practice: Cut meat to pieces-medallions. Put them in a bowl with salted water, let them swell and arrange. Salt residues together with sugar, seasonings and flour mixes on a large flat plate. Put on the fire frying pan with butter, gerants oil. Now take medallions, quickly pick them out in a mixture of seasoning and flour and lay out in hot oil. As it roasted on the one hand (this is a case of a few minutes) turn the pieces. Putting ready-made medallions in a clean plate and the following, until you cook everything. The number of portions when serving depends on how much you came to cling to the side dish each piece so that it seemed to have a lot of meat.

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