Underwater: Airbnb offers to spend the night among 35 sharks


Perhaps the larger extreme can not be submitted: Airbnb offers three One-night-Stand at once in a waterproof capsule in the middle of the ocean. Well, more precisely, aquarium.

Just imagine: you are together, do what it is necessary (for example, hugging!), And around 35 sharks run around. And it is not clear whether they are going to feed them before launching you in such "apartment."


The aquarium is in Paris, and this story with spending the night in a room with sharks - rather an attraction. And for participants, and for fish.


Acknowledged PR-action of the aquarium itself. Well, what, not bad move!


All those interested are asked not to leave the room, do not make a mistake to write an essay in which it should be described clearly and in detail: who you need it, and do not be afraid of a shark or water.


April 9 AirbnB service with Aquarium De Paris will sum up. And choose those who will hang out in a closed capsule along with sharks. Both companies do not recommend watching "jaws" on the eve, not to do Selfie at night with a flash, well, keep "all your legs and hands in one place - in the room!". Simply put, do not look for your fifth point of adventure.


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