# Numbers: 6 (!) Years of his life, women spend on a diet


    # Numbers: 6 (!) Years of his life, women spend on a diet 39620_1
    Good people (read, British scientists) sat down and calculated that on a diet women spend on average 6 years of their lives, while the highest indicator is observed among twenty-year-olds, with age the number of adhered diet drops sharply.

    According to the calculations of the girl from the age group "20+" sit on a diet 2 years and 7 months. And they are particularly strongly trying to lose weight aged 25 to 30 years, that is, before the onset of their thirtieth anniversary.

    The average age of a woman becoming a mother, now 28 and a half years, then the "Lose weight up to 30" group includes girls who scored overweight during pregnancy.

    By the onset of thirty years, the period spent on the diet is dramatically reduced to the figure in 1 year and 9 months.

    The average age of brides and girls entering the UK is 30 years old. 57% of girls admit that you are more willing to sit on a diet, if lonely and are in search of a partner. Already by forty years, women are spent on a diet 1 year and 3 months, and to fifty this figure drops even more. Women after fifty reduce their diet only one month a year, and most often it occurs in the period after the Christmas and New Year holidays.

    Approximate calculations show that the seventy years "dietary experience" reaches the numbers of 6 years and 2 months.

    The average dietary duration is 4 weeks and three days, and the answers of the respondents 1000 respondents responded, 54% answered that the diet was swept away when they were younger.

    64% of the percent of married women admitted that they began to be less interested in weight loss after marriage.

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