# Scientist: Applications predicting ovulation, brazenly lie



Applications for counting the days of ovulation are fruitful like rabbits in the spring. But scientists warn: seriously use them to prevent pregnancy (or vice versa) - a very so-so idea.

Scientists under the leadership of Dr. Robert Setton tested 20 online services and 33 applications that promise to calculate the exact date of ovulation and a favorable moment for conception.

If we assume that the average menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, the ovulation occurs for about 15 days - the last day of the six-day period is optimal for pregnancy.

Of all the services in the field of view of the researchers, most (about 80%) were properly predicted ovulation, but about favorable time for conception was not served only 4. The remaining 49 gave incorrect tips. It seems that the developers simply did not know that this fertile window begins 5 days before ovulation. The most accurate was recognized by the site BabyMed.com and iPeriod, My Days and Clue.

So it is better to find some other means of protection - the developers of the applications, as you understand, remove any responsibility with ourselves and in the case of which your baby will be shown. And if you, on the contrary, try to become a mom with such a service and everything is not a panic - maybe you are fine, just the service is clogged.

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