10 things that are not engaged in severe spirit


The standard of the strong spirit is traditionally considered samurai, but few people know that Busido comes down to three main postulates: write poems, Pey Tea, die worthy. Over the years, the list of requirements for the power of the Spirit has increased significantly, and nowadays the Codex of the modern samurai in the conditions of a major megalpolis looks like that, so.

1. Do not rearrange alarm clock

The real samurai is resolutely looking into the eyes of Monday. He cheerfully rises, cleans his teeth and cooks coffee. Samurai, who said the phone: "For another five minutes," and again buried in the pillow, it is obliged to make septice.

2. Do not give to Claxon

A strong spirit will not be hysterically signal that delayed at the traffic lights extra 0.3 milliseconds. The real samurai holds hands far from Klason and with dignity moves in its row with a total flow rate.

3. Do not run by escalator

If you have an immense aunt before you, do not try to bypass it using elbows and impatience. The real samurai is awaited by the driving staircase pull him into hell with the transition to the annular line.

4. Do not take pictures of food

This samurai is able to eat even very beautifully decorated dish, not photographed it before. A similar power of the spirit is achieved by long-term training, in the process of which the samurai is obliged to put a smartphone in one pocket of conditional kimono before approaching the table, and the battery from the smartphone is to another.

5. Do not hide from the bosses

The strong spirit does not go to the trembling lump of the wool, seeing the number of her lord from the marketing department, pretending that the phone was discharged, the call was not heard, and the phone is buggy. The real samurai takes the phone, says: Hello, and honestly admits that the project is not ready, but already at the final stage, honest samurai.

6. Do not buy too much

This samurai is content with small. If it goes beyond bread and butter, then brings bread, butter and no maphyphyro. Even standing in line for black ribbon, a strong spirit straight and boldly looks into the eyes of chewing gum on the rack in front of the cashier, without trying to stretch her hand to her. Even if she (chewing, not a samurai hand) Watermelon.

7. Do not call former

Even if the samurai allowed himself an extra Sake, he does not allow himself to relax. He can talk about how sad and lonely and lonely, except - with his TV, and even if Sak was liter and a half. And all the former strong spirit certainatically cuts off the head. At least metaphorically.

8. Do not argue with fools

A strong spirit is quite capable of killing a person in a word. But the real samurai never pulls out its weapon without much need. Therefore, he slams the lid of the laptop and goes to cook tea.

9. Do not post Bayanov

This samurai will never interpress the message "SOS !!! Max Repost !!! These Peskov are sleeping tomorrow "from 2005th year. And never finish the proposal by the word "Karl".

10. Do not procrastinuyu

The real samurai first finishes the working day, and only then reads news and comments in social networks. This step of enlightenment and skill reached a unit. Some researchers even believe that these are the stages of skill and enlightenment did not reach no one. But we believe that Avatars Miyamoto Musasi are somewhere next to us - the legendary Ronins of our Days with a router exit from the network.

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