Who were you in the past life? 10 subconscious tips


They say we get not one attempt to cut into the right way. These are signs that prompt us that our life is only a link in the reincarnation chain, that your trouble has a reason, and there is a chance to fix everything.

You have a strong intuition

On the verge of foresight of the future. You guess other people's replicas, predict the development of events, sometimes you give answers to questions that we clearly could not know or calculate. Most likely, your subconscious suggests the experience gained in former reincarnations.

Deja vu

You often have this strange feeling that you have already been in this place and everyone here you know. You can even surprise familiar, asking if they have on the second floor, say, an old buffet. There is, but you never saw him. Or you feel as if it was in exactly the same situation. You go to the car and know what will turn out to be around. As a result, you look at the world slightly removed, as if you sit in the theater on the play, which has already watched more than once.

False memories

At a family meeting, you are discussing with my own story from your childhood, and suddenly they rest and say that this has never been and could not be. There was no such toy, you did not go to the park, you never friend with such a child. Some of you went crazy, or everything was - but in a different life?

Repeating dreams

Some people again and again there are very realistic dreams, in no way associated with their everyday life. For example, you live in a tourist city near the warm sea, and in a dream you go through the snow-covered factory city in a dream, and you know exactly where to roll to warm up in the cafeteria, and also you know who you will meet. Hello from past life, girl from the north.


Some phobias are logical. For example, the height is dangerous, it is necessary to be afraid. Or, let's say, a spider spider fell to you in childhood - that's arachnophobia. And others are pretty strange. Someone is afraid of red or figures 35, someone mirrors or water. They say it may be due to the cause of death in the past life. For example, your former embodiment drowned or hit her red machine with a number 35 in the room.

You are not from this world

And you know exactly, in which world would be in place. Someone is manifested in the hobby of a different culture, say, Japanese. Someone has a different era, right up to a dense reconstruction. You think it is all fashion, ah, damned tolkienists. Or maybe this old soul does not find a rest.

Old soul

Since childhood, you feel older than the same companion. No, nothing so tragic in your life happened to prematurely build up. Just it seems to you that somewhere you have already seen it. And these jokes heard, and then, sorry, did not laugh.

Soul friends

Sometimes, meeting completely unfamiliar people, not even spoken with them, you understand, it is he is the best friend. Or sworn enemy. And right right. So, their former incarnations were friends or bent with yours.

Asymptomatic pain

You suffer from pain, the reason for which doctors cannot call. Therefore, they call it psychosomatic (and you are a hypochondrick). In fact, it can be a reflection of the former wound or illness. By the way, strange birthmarks from the same opera.

Strange habits

Someone needs to click the switch three times, before entering the room, someone tries not to adopted on cracks in the asphalt. Psychologists explain this as well as the Syak, but it can be assumed that your consciousness will break at some points due to the abyss of the accumulated experience. Well, remembered yourself in the past? Now only forward, on the outlet of the Sansary chain!

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