"Lisa Alert": what to do if the child disappeared


According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, about 70 thousand people disappears annually in Russia, a third of which are children. Three quarters of the missing can be found within the first two weeks, or they return themselves. Irina Vorobyva, Coordinator of the "Liza Alert" movement, told the project PICS.ru about how children disappear, and what to do if your child disappeared.

A big misconception that children disappear only from dysfunctional parents, "says Irina Vorobyva, the coordinator of Liza Alert. - Children disappear literally in a few seconds even at the most attentive moms and dads. That is why it is very important to talk in advance with the child how to act in abnormal situations - for example, if suddenly he stayed alone on the train, when parents came out or on the contrary, lost in the mall, etc. The kid should know what to do.

Tips parents


  1. You need to know the full schedule of the day of your child, know what kind of mugs he visits, and also have at hand phones of all executives.
  2. Be sure to pay attention to what clothes the baby is dressed, at the moment when it comes out of the house.
  3. Take pictures of the child every six months and store photos with yourself.
  4. Put a card in my pocket card with your phone and address.
Make sure your child always have a charged mobile phone with a sufficient amount of funds on the account. Connect the mobile monitoring service at the mobile operator.

Often, children go out of the house because of the conflict in the family, "says Irina," and it is not necessary that the conflict be directed to the child is enough and the usual quarrel between family members. And pay attention - this applies not only to adolescents, now the "Runners" are very grumbling. In addition, we are constantly confronted with the situation when parents simply do not know their children with whom they are actually friendly, what are their interests, and where they actually happen after school. This is your child, you need to communicate with him, talk. It is extremely important that he trust you.

Explain it to your chad


  • If the child got lost, behind adults or drove his stop, the main thing is not to be afraid. It is necessary to contact a police officer, a store employee or passersby (better to mom with a child!).
  • Teach the child so that he never, under any circumstances, leaving someone, without saying this adult.
  • If someone tries to touch the child or offend him on the street, he must be able to say "no", and in case of danger - raise noise and call for help.
  • The parents must have a good contact with the child - so that he tells them about his fears and that he is sad.

With a disappearance of a child, it is very important not to waste time, Irina Vorobyova continues. - Do not wait two hours until the child stayed at school. Start to act! Even if everything is fine with your tea and you will look like a panicker, there is nothing terrible. In this case, it is better to bother than to boost. The earlier the search will begin, the greater the likelihood that they will be successful. And, of course, be careful to other people's children. Do not pass by a confused baby. If it seems to you that something is wrong with the child on the street, go, talk. So you can save someone's life.

What to do if the child disappeared


  1. Write down the time when you realized that the child was disappeared. Check the whole house, including baskets with linen, under beds, cabinets, attic, if there is. Call all the places where it can be.
  2. If within an hour of the child failed to find, please contact the police. The police are obliged to accept the application. Be sure to write down the number of the application and the FIO of the employee who accepted it. In the application detail, specify the clothes and personal belongings that were with the child at the time of disappearance. Find a fresh photo of the child (not older than six months).
  3. If a child has a phone, the number of which is decorated for you, ask the mobile operator to print the last calls.
  4. Sound all who can know about the location of the child. Especially carefully examine those who have seen it last. All important is: what he spoke about, in what was the mood when all this happened. All write down.
  5. Distribute the information about the disappearance of the child on social networks, connect to the search for as many people as possible.
  6. Call the hot line "Lisa Alert" 8 (800) 700-54-52 Or leave an application on the site http://lizaalert.org/zajavka

This is very important information. Save yourself as a memo and tell your acquaintances.

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