How to make it all hated you. 15 tips on the evil day


We decided in the editorial office that we were too much infuriated in others, and invented 15 harmful councils for those who still do not behave like a goat. Just follow our instructions, and it will be completely impossible to live in the city ;-)

Phrase "Are you convenient to talk now?" - The norm of the last century. If he took the phone, then it may carefully listen to your long speech, even in a dream, sitting on the toilet, driving or jumping with a parachute. In general, do not even see, but simply go back to business.

Do not use headphones when you play on the phone or listen to music

Everyone is known - headphones for weaknikov and Misanthropov. An open, sociable person has nothing to hide from others. On the contrary, good music from your phone will raise people mood and accurately be asleeping them in a dull metro car.

Go into a metro car or the bus first, without waiting for someone to come out

Experience and elementary logic suggests that heavily in a wagon before the non-historical passengers will come out from there, you are more likely to take a sedentary place. And in general, what do they always stupid at the exit?
This lifehak will help motorists effectively drive around any plug. The main thing is to be squeezed from the curb back when the bumps begin or if you get drunk in the narrowing of the road. Yes, and do not forget to signal so that the cars in the total queue are expelled.

Do not wash before riding in public transport

First, if you do not take a shower before work, you can sleep extra half an hour, it is always nice. Secondly, not very much and smells. More toilet water, and ahead. And grumble only snobs and clean.

Put the phone on the table in the cafe

It is convenient, you can at any time watch time or send a message. In addition, this is the indicator of some status. If you have an expensive smartphone, then you earn not bad and you feel great. At a minimum, you can pay a loan for it.
Theater Theater, and not answer the call is not polite, so feel free to take the phone. Yes, the cinema is quite noisy, you will not put in a pause. Just speak the pogroms so that the interlocutor was well audible.

Quietly look into the phone or in a neighbor's book

This is a good way to pass time on the trip. Some even read something interesting. As a last resort, you will watch the feet playing in the balls or Engry Berds. You can tell him how to kill a pig. Believe me, he will be grateful.

Left Escalator

This is also a lifehak, like overtaking on the side of the sidelines, but refers to the metropolitan. People crowd on the right side of the escalator, and the left is usually completely free. If someone goes and strengthen in you, you can enjoy and skip it. But better make a remark, there are all sorts here!
Take with you in sandwiches, water or thermos with tea. For half an hour in transport you can have enough to eat well, and again it appears too much time for sleep in the morning.

Do not hold the entrance door when you enter the lobby of the metro

Intellectuals came up with the door, which have nothing to do. Firstly, this is a waste of time, and it is expensive. Secondly, the release of the door is sharply, you help train the reaction to those who go beyond you. If a person misses the door, he will not achieve anything in life.

Throw cigarettes from the balcony

If you smoke on the balcony, then it is preferred to throw bulls down. The bank with the cigarettes smells badly, smoke, and in general is an undesirable subject in the house. Do not forget to deceive the filter with blue lipstick. Even if he flies to someone to the balcony, they will look for a frrick girl.
Many Russian rules are time to cancel as unnecessary. Anyway, the majority writes not as stated in the spelling dictionary. Remember new standards: I like, expresso, themetic.

Do not give way to the elderly

From a long session, hemorrhoids and varicose veins are developing. You do not want evil to the elderly? Never inferior to them, and if you see that someone gave way, try to sit faster than the old woman. You're younger and faster, you can.

Take a mobile colleague without demand

In someone else's telephone, there is always a lot of interesting things. Interestingly, what programs do a person use that the pictures, the contact section of Polystay. Yes, you after all your people work together for half a year. What can be secrets?

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