Harmful substances included in the composition of cosmetics


Harmful substances included in the composition of cosmetics 39592_1
Shelves and cosmetics women are breaking from the abundance of a variety of cosmetics. When buying, there are few people paying attention to the label. And those who look, little understand in composition, as they have a large number of incomprehensible words, which are mostly written in foreign languages. But this is a very important point, since even in very expensive means may contain harmful substances.

In advance, it is necessary to get acquainted with the names of substances that should be avoided when buying cosmetics, as they can cause significant harm to the entire body. Loramid di his name in a foreign language is written as Lauramide Dea. This substance allows an increase in the viscosity of the gels, contributes to the formation of thick foam. In the production of this substance, coconut and laurel oil are used. This substance is especially used in the manufacture of washingal, as it perfectly copes with fats cleavage. That is just when the link in contact with other substances, the Loramide passes into high-tech carcinogenic compounds - nitrosamines. When using cosmetics with this substance, you can notice hair fragility, dryness and skin irritation. Sodium Laurilsulfate Manufacturers can record it in the composition of the sodium laureetsulfate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate - SLS, E-487. This substance is actively used when creating synthetic detergents. In perfumery, it is used as a means to help form foam, it also increases the viscosity of the product and is responsible for regulating the consistency. Absolutely all cosmetics in which the E-487 supplement is contained is very harmful to health, since this substance penetrates into the internal organs of a person. Specialists call it another chemical mutagen, which even hereditary mutations can cause. When interacting with other components of cosmetics, dioxans and nitrates can be formed, which are dangerous carcinogens. Aminospirts to this category of harmful substances include diethanolamine, which can be indicated as DEA and TEA on the package. These are powerful alkaline substrates that are actively used in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry. You can meet them in sunscreens, foam and shaving gel, carcasses for eyelashes, blushes, shampoos. During the study of these substances, it was found that they are poison for the cardiovascular system, kidneys, the gastrointestinal tract, contribute to the formation of tumors, cause irritation of mucous membranes and human skin. Aminopirts include propylene glycol, whose name is written by Propylene Glycol. This substance is a thick liquid, which is derived from oil. It contains cobalt, arsenic, zinc and cadmium, which are harmful trace elements. When using cosmetics with such a substance, the skin becomes smooth, looks young, that's just it leads to her early fadingFor children, it is strictly not necessary to buy cosmetics with such substances, as they may have itching dermatitis, and there are still problems in the work of the kidneys and liver. Parabanetes such substances can be spelled out like ButylParaben, MethylParaben E-218, PropylParaben E-216. This substance is complex benzoic acid derivatives. Most often found in toothpastes, body mask, deodorant, tonal creams, hair mask, lipstick. Such components are able to accumulate in the body and have a negative impact on the endocrine system of changing the hormonal background. This may cause malignant formations. Also these substances accelerate the aging of the skin, cause simple dermatitis and itching. Harm ethers, alcohols and oil derivatives should be avoided purchasing cosmetics, which contains mineral oil, whose name is written on a foreign one as Mineral Oil. And all because it relates to technical oils, petrochemical production waste. It is added to the cosmetics as a substance capable of retaining moisture, only this negatively affects the process of recovery of cells, cleaning the body from toxins, the protective function of the epidermis, leads to a weakening of the vitamin circulation. The negative impact of such a substance can manifest itself with headaches, the occurrence of rash and acne, the appearance of arthritis, epilepsy and even oncological diseases. For many years, Glycerin has been actively used in cosmetology, whose name is in a foreign language Glycerin. In cosmetics, it can still be indicated under the E422 code. Earlier it was believed that this is useful humidifier, but recent studies show that in reality it has the opposite effect. Immediately after use, there is a pleasant sensation of moisture, but soon dryness is returned with even greater force, and everything is because this substance pulls out of the inner layers of cells. The isopropyl alcohol in cosmetics include isopropyl alcohol, which in the composition can be indicated as isopropanol, IPS, dimethyl carbinol, propanol-2. This substance, which refers to the number of flammable, is part of the cleaners and solvents. In cosmetology, he can meet in perfumes, after shaving lotions, as well as in the means for removing makeup. Regular use of funds with such components can lead to allergic reactions on the skin, vomiting, disorders of the nervous system and headaches.

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