What dangers of hair shampoo


What dangers of hair shampoo 39590_1
Just imagine the average man annually uses about 2 liters of shampoo! The detergent penetrates the hair and affects the scalp, to make strands clean, beautiful and well-groomed. But in most cases, the composition of the shampoo leaves the best, and the use of such products in caring towards itself leads to the opposite effect - the hair spoils, problems with the skin of the head appear.

Regular use of some shampoos and can lead to the formation of tumors, baldness and other health problems.

If hair began to fall out, you need to change shampoo

The basis of the majority of shampoos make up the seals that provide deep cleaning of hair and scalp. But they are precisely the danger of hair and health in general. For example, sulfates are too deeply penetrated into the structure of hair and scalp, which can lead to loss of curls.

In addition, these substances are not always completely removed from the hair with water, they can sow on the head, hair follicles and clog pores. With each wash, the situation is becoming worse and worse. Over time, this leads to numerous problems - the immunity of the skin weakens, the hair becomes dry and lifeless, and most of them remain on the comb. Therefore, it is better to prefer shampoos without sulfates.

Asthma, infertility and other "joy" from shampoos

But the rest of the components of the shampoo may be sad not only in the state of hair, but also on general health. Charaben, for example, can easily penetrate the pores of the head into the body and reduce the protective functions to the effects of ultraviolet. This is fraught with premature aging of the skin, and also increases the risk of cancer.

Of course, the use of shampoo does not allow 100% guarantees of terrible illness, oncology, in general, one of the mysterious diseases, and the exact causes of its occurrence are still not clarified. However, specialists have grounds to assume a high level of paraben influence as an aggressive factor.

For shampoo to have a pronounced flavor, phthalates can be added to the composition - very dangerous components. Recognize the presence of phthalates is simple - if the shampoo has a "loud" fragrance that does not destroy from the hair until the next wash, most likely, they are in the composition. These substances provoke a huge number of diseases - from asthma to infertility.

Propylene glycol, he is PEG, is the cause of metabolic disorders. And although it is added as a careful component, which should give hair beauty, in fact it gives problems with skin problems and other troubles.

Safe shampoo do it yourself

To care for hair and keep your health at the same time, specialists advise to switch to organic cosmetics, where minimum chemicals. In addition, such detergents do not harm hair, thanks to them, they will have to wash the head less often, because They do not contribute to rapid contamination.

And what is even better, so make shampoos with your own hands, applying natural ingredients. The most common chicken egg, for example, not only perfectly cleanse the skin of the head and hair, but also restore the structure of the strand, it will nap them with vitamins. The recipe for this natural shampoo is simple - mix the yolk with a small spoonful of honey and add a couple of drops of olive oil. Yes, the natural shampoo will not give a rich foam, like the store product, but it will not be harmful, but the benefit.

Cooking options for home shampoo mass, you can choose any suitable hair. At first, it may seem unusual, but after a few sessions of such washing you will feel a noticeable difference in a positive plan.

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