25 important advice for ladies who dream to arrange their personal life


25 important advice for ladies who dream to arrange their personal life 39589_1
The desire of a woman to be beautiful and attractive in the eyes of men is natural. The weak floor in most cases has the need for family, love and be beloved. That's just not everyone gets to establish a personal life easily. In this article, we give a few useful tips to help arrange this area of ​​life with minimal efforts from a woman.


For some, it may seem banal for someone, but precisely since respect is strong relationships. How many humorous stories are built on the topic of how the wife rented the obstacles to her husband in communicating with friends, as it does not allow to leave for fishing. This is not a manifestation of respect for the partner. See you with your half, a man leads his life, engaged in his loved business, and he should not give up his interests only because they do not like you. Respect his personal life, then the man will appreciate you and wear on his hands, and others will only envy him.

Praise your beloved more often

Men, like children, are very loved when they are praised. Especially when it makes a favorite. After all, it is so important to be strong, skillful and brave in their eyes. And if you give it to understand this, they will be ready for even greater feats for the sake of beloved. Do not allow rudeness and rudeness towards your man - sooner or later, it will be the reason for his care more affectionate and feminine.

Let him open

To get better to know the man, on the first dates you should not make him comments so that he does not do and did not say, so he will behave naturally and will show his character. This will allow you to understand whether to continue to communicate with such a man or is not your option.

Education of a man during dates

On the first dates, it is not necessary to correct a man, but the farther, the more activity should be exercised. Show your reaction to his behavior - if you don't like something, tell me tactfully about it. The main thing at this stage is not to admit criticism, try to show more your discomfort by sigh and a little distressed view.

Do not expect from a man of operational reaction

It's hard to rebuild my habits instantly. Therefore, you should not wait that the behavior of a man will change immediately after your comment. Show patience and give him time. In the future, if you are important for him, he will definitely remember what you like, and what is not. And in general, it is worth remembering that the task of a woman is not to releasing the man and not to repaint him under him, but only to show who she would like to see next to him.

Do not rush to judge a man on first date

Yes, men are strong and bold, but they are all the same people who experience excitement before date. They just like women would like and impress. Because of this, your interlocutor can behave a little strange and unusual. As soon as the excitement comes down - everything is normalized, then it is possible to give a man an assessment.

Open the man who you like

Of course, you do not need to become a read book, a mystery should remain in a woman even after 30 years of living together. But to say a man about what you like, ask him about it - a great opportunity to show his own sympathy to the interlocutor. But also remember both forbidden topics for the first dates are past relationships, politics and problems. Ideally, the first topic is never to affect.

Be natural

In trying in order for the man to like it, do not attempt to match some kind of image. Sooner or later, the deception will open up and this will not lead to anything good. Moreover, maybe your cavalier does not have to taste this image, but your real it would hook it. Therefore, be natural, do not curvate the soul and say everything as it is. And then, feeling the sympathy of a man, you will be sure that this is your merit, not your role.

If your heart is free - look for your prince

This does not mean that you need to arm everything necessary and go to search. It is just necessary to become more open person, stop being afraid of men, wondering them. Communicate with them in transport, at work and other public places - do not be afraid to ask for the help of the man you like, for example, help convey heavy bags or move the wardrobe at home. For such unnecessary requests, the conversation will be tuned, and who knows, maybe this assistant and there is your half ...

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