7 Spring hairstyles that will be trend in this season


7 Spring hairstyles that will be trend in this season 39587_1

Winter is clearly not the best time of year for hair (as well as for the skin). At low temperature and humidity level, hair remains dim and brittle, and also they are most often hiding under the hat for about four months in a row. Therefore, it is not surprising that by the time Spring comes, many women would gladly try a new hairstyle.

Down with horror and mess, which was going on the head in winter. Stylists claim that the main trends that can be seen this spring are shiny smooth strands, decorated with accessories.

1. Healthy, elastic hair

Usually healthy hair is rather the goal than the trend, but the idea of ​​hair recovery is now in fashion.

So that the hair looks healthy and "alive," you need to try not to wash them too often, as it can deprive them of natural fats that are necessary for the shiny hair. It is also recommended to change the air conditioner once or twice a week, alternating brand with high nutritional and enhanced air conditioning.

2. Inordinate accessories with pebbles

Signal accessories have already been firmly entered into the fashion industry, but by the spring of 2019 it is expected that more shiny hair jewelry with precious stones will be used than ever. Surely, soon at each event there will be many chic and stylish girls with hairpins or bows in the hair. It is pretty fun and emphasizes the originality of the person.

In addition to ordinary hairpins, you can use pins with jewels (even artificial), as they can be used on any hair texture with or without laying. Also, a good idea will be the use of two studs.

3. Ultra-High Tails

The trend of this spring will be "Pony-Teyl", but with one reservation - you need to delay the tails as high as possible, almost from the top. At the same time, the tail must be smooth.

Tails look great, only if the girl has dense and pretty long hair. If this is not so, it is quite possible to use buildup. And so that he looked tight, there is one trick. It is necessary to spray hair lacquer before combing them and tie a tail.

4. Cutting hair tips

Of course, most women and so cut dry securing hair tips, in this case it's not just about circumcision, but about laying with absolutely straight edges. At the same time, the visibility of more lush hair is created, as well as laying makes a woman look younger.

So that such a haircut looked perfectly laid and smooth, you need to sprinkle the hair with thermal protection sprays for laying, and then slightly smooth hair so that the edges do not look clear. To achieve natural texture, you need to give hair to dry in the air.

5. Large clips clips

In recent years, there has been a return of the accessories of the 90s, such as hair clips and gum, but this spring will be most popular latching clips will be most popular, and the more in size, the better. And, by the way, it will be quite well to combine a few clips with a tail.

In the classic metal spring clips there were cloves, but in 2019 the clips acquired a brave look rather than practical. Stylists also offer to combine them with other accessories.

6. Combination: short and medium strands

Naturally, if someone loves his long hair, in no case should you cut them. But if a woman is looking for change, she should be aware that one of the last trends is the rejection of long hair and lifting the hair between the chin and the clavicle. This length facilitates wearing clothes with fashionable now with details, such as high decollete, ruffles and high collars.

If you do not want to cohere up too much hair, you can cut them at the level of the clavicle or to do on one side of the head strands to the clavicle long, and on the other before the chin.

7. Pastel shades

Although technically it is not a hairstyle, but it is impossible not to mention the trend colors, since one of the unexpected ways to give the style of hair this season is a funny pastel shade. Some of the most unexpected and fashionable shades of hair color are pale blue, pink, silver and pale green.

If someone is afraid of so radically repainted, you can use temporary paint, such as aerosol sprayers Hush Prism. It can be easily removed when the pink comes out of fashion.

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