11 prescriptions of the pioneer past, which we must tell children


We crush that the current children are sitting at the computer all the time, remember themselves at their age and think, how was it then fun and great, and how good it would be good. Return it is unlikely, but repeat - not a question! We all remember everything ;-)

Milk mixture truffle

11 prescriptions of the pioneer past, which we must tell children 39583_1

The main ingredient should be a milk mixture "Kid" (no "sampers" or, fence, God, "Nutrilon"!). To the "baby" it is supposed to add a half pack of milk with a cocoa dissolved in it and sugar to taste and 100 grams of butter. All this needs to be thickened to knead the balls from the resulting "test", the balls threatening them in nuts or in a wafer crumb and frowze in the refrigerator. Everything! Truffles are ready!


11 prescriptions of the pioneer past, which we must tell children 39583_2

Egg yolks are separated from proteins by dumping holes in the shell. While the proteins are waiting for their turn in the refrigerator, the yolks are pretty whipped with one tablespoon of sugar and a pinch of salt. For a lot of authenticity, we recommend hit by a wedge (and especially harsh cooks can do the usual fork). Next, remove proteins from the refrigerator, add sugar and salt to them, and take care of it too. It remains to mix squirrels with yolks. Drink ready. Alternatively, you can add to Gogol Cocoa or Coffee, but in our time it was considered pampering.


11 prescriptions of the pioneer past, which we must tell children 39583_3

For cooking Zheryanka requires a pan, sugar and courage. Put sugar on the pan (quite a bit - one tablespoon or one and a half), and put it on a small fire. When sugar becomes brown and thickens, pour it into a tablespoon and stick the match instead of a stick. I remember, Zhegenka itself was so-so, but the process fascinated.

Carbide bomb

11 prescriptions of the pioneer past, which we must tell children 39583_4

To get carbide in our time was a difficult: followed the apploy talent and a certain dexterity of the hands. But further simply. In a liter bottle, grams of a hundred (if more, then better) carbide, and all this is poured with water. Further, the bottle is pretty shake and moves towards the enemy. Carbide is not the fastest in the light of the thing, therefore, with a high probability, the enemy side will have time to catch up to you before the "bomb rushes". However, no one promised that it would be easy.

Paper bombs

11 prescriptions of the pioneer past, which we must tell children 39583_5

Collapse a bomb from the airtal sheet - a facial business. But if you suddenly forgot how - we will remind. From the leaf, we cut the square, bend it diagonally (first one, then on the other), then we turn the workpiece into the "double triangle" and wrap the corners on both sides to the center. Fill out the shell with water and joyfully void it from the balcony (in fact, you can do the usual paper crust, but it is not so interesting).

Konfat gnome

11 prescriptions of the pioneer past, which we must tell children 39583_6

Gourmet, sweet tooth or candy dwarf is caused in mercantilic purposes - the astral essence that appeared is obliged to bring sweets with them and leave them caller or causing them. The ritual is produced in a small dark room, such as a bathroom. On the thread (usually to the crane) hangs the candy, turn off the light, and all participants in the action take turns solemnly pronounce the "candy gnome, come" (the second option is a thread attached to the legs of stools). Next you need to wait. As soon as you bung out the smell of chocolate Quickly turn on the light: a gnome near and can strangle you. From the light, the gnome will disappear, but after it will remain twice as much sweets than it was originally. Dare!


11 prescriptions of the pioneer past, which we must tell children 39583_7

Without bubbles, plastic jars, glass sticks, small pharmacy cups and, if you are lucky, test tubes with notches - the game in the hospital loses its meaning. In our childhood, familiar physicians and the military came to the rescue - the Military Aid Kit Orange was a miracle as good. Watts and dressings could always be trampled at mom, but there was a tension with thermometers and syringes - they had to borrow from a home aid kit.


11 prescriptions of the pioneer past, which we must tell children 39583_8

They did everything, although for some reason the secrets were considered predominantly native fun. To begin with, the rod was filmed and a small pit was digging under it. On the bottom of the pits, a bright phantil or foil was laid (depending on the aesthetic preferences of the twinkler). And then - unimaginable space for fantasy. Live flowers, leaves, butt, beads and even a penny neatly laid out onto a foil substrate and covered the bottle glass fragment from above. Glass could be transparent, green, orange, and sometimes - and it was unrealistic beautiful - blue. Miscellaneous glass - different effect. Practically, as in instagram.

Pannochka died

11 prescriptions of the pioneer past, which we must tell children 39583_9

Magic ritual "Pokraka Pokalla" was one of the most candy souls for fun of our childhood. The girl or the girl went to the floor (you can on the chairs) and the other participants in the ritual (from three to six) were put on two fingers under it. Then everyone closed the eyes and in absolute silence, the leading voice was told by a terrible voice "Pannochka Member". "You will not bury her! Let her devils hurt! Amen!" - answered the rest. After that, it was necessary to simply support the hands allegedly climbing the girl. Of course, no one took off, but still it was terribly fun.


11 prescriptions of the pioneer past, which we must tell children 39583_10

Live and buzzing toy - May beetle. Catch it easy, but then the pleasure for the whole day. The beetle can be clamped into the palm and apply to the ear - it is wonderful tickling and buzzing. It can be placed in the matchbox and feed with bread crumbs, blades and pollen, which he, of course, does not eat. And you can also bind a string of a paw and launch a poor fellow in the sky like an air serpent. The main thing, do not forget then let go of Zhuchil to the will. By the way, do you know that most of the "May beetles" of our childhood were not at all the May beetles, but ordinary bronze?

Spring Beds

11 prescriptions of the pioneer past, which we must tell children 39583_11

There is nothing more merry than finding a spring bed in the courtyard from the neighbors and jump, jump, jump on it until it cares. No modern trampoline is compared with the old good spring bed. We know it for sure.

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