If the husband is a peer of your parents


Our society traditionally looks at unequal marriages and unequal connections. Even if this inequality is not expressed in social (and / or material) expression, but in a banal age difference. Therefore, girls who fell in loved in the peers of their parents subconsciously and are not involved in public condemnation.

Girls relax. Skovo will watch you, even if you fall in love with the peer, put on a short skirt or enter the navel - in our society it is customary to look at others for anyone. And you enjoy love with a mature man and get the arguments to beat the interlocutor not in the eyebrow, but in the eye.

1. Good sex

For some reason, it is believed that for good sex the boys are needed, barely survived Pubertat. Wrong. The boy, barely crumbling Pubertat, usually believes that good sex is "I can not finish it." And "I can seven times for the night." And the man who is forty, usually knows where you have the clitoris.

2. Good dialogue

The biggest and most undervalued pleasure in our harsh world is obtaining information. We usually receive information from the circle of communication, from life experience and read books. The average adult man beats the average boys in all indicators.

3. Reliable rear

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Of course, on this planet there is a sufficient number of forty-haired infantills living with mom. But you are so hardly falling in love. As a rule, by forty years, a man can provide his companion his strong shoulder not only in the literal sense, but also in metaphorical. And the metaphorical strong shoulder is much more important than it is in the sense of direct. Unfortunately, most women understand it closer to their forty years, so rejoice - you are smart.

4. Strong love boat

Which is less likely to break about life. An adult man usually sees himself that the crane flows, and knows how to repair it. In extreme cases, he has a special acquaintance, specially trained to repair cranes.

5. Delicious!

Yes, he knows how to cook.

6. My princess

The girls who have grown without a father (and there are many), finally recognize - how cool it is, when a huge uncle with a bristle is touched by how you sleep, how you eat and what a dress on you.

7. Acquaintance with the Father

Contrary to popular belief - they say, the parents will die from the heart attack when their baby will lead to the uncle's house, not a single parent from a heart attack in such a situation. Faintly fell, it happened, but that it died straight - so no. Moreover, after the first five minutes of shock, the parents are already joyful with your chosen one, for they have a common cultural code - they remember that such a blue differ from cheese to choose. A twenty-year student is perceived exclusively as "Lord, my daughter sleeps with this milk!".

8. Motivation

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One of the laws of the stone jungle states: "You want to become a person who consisted - communicate with the people." Favorite and his circle of communication, as a rule, are not bum. Forty years is a peak of a career, and communication with the peers of his happy chosen one is practically a guarantee that you will not sway along the inclined network marketing.

9. Best Dad

Some unique young man twenty years can absolutely sincerely want you to give birth to him. But in his head, the child looks, albeit cool, but very abstract. An adult man (also not always, but there is at least a chance) already understands not only the fact that children cook, but also how they cook, and what to do if the child pokes somehow not according to the charter.

10. Despicable Zlato

Well yes. It is not necessarily rich, but most likely it earns something. Even if there is a tanker - still earns in breaks.

All this, of course, continues to not cancel oblique looks in your direction. And if a beloved man suddenly buys you a car - Bay first. An ideal answer to uttered through the teeth: "What did you give you the car?" This is: "Well, that you did not give, I just pumped."

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