25 years ago, we could not imagine that ...


    Before the holidays, everyone so actively summed up the year that we wanted something forgasse. Let's get on a quarter of a century, for example. Do you remember yourself in the early 90s? We tried to remember, and it turned out that twenty five years ago we could not come to mind that:

    ... the amount of information of all computer classes of all schools of your area will fit on one of your flash drive with nail

    ... when you lose this flash drive (it is the size of the nail - try not to lose it) - this will not be the tragedy of the century. You will come to the first store in a 500 meters radius and buy a new one. Dollar for three.

    ... at thirty five years old people are not old

    ... We will learn the date of the expedition to Mars

    ... We can photograph the phone


    ... We will go to work in the next room, even if we work in another country

    ... We will have disposable contact lenses.

    ... our children will not be at all like those we planned

    ... and it will be cool

    ... We almost will not remain familiar who did not go to Southeast Asia


    ... We will have access to any library of the world from your own house.

    ... We will use this technology, mostly for swearing

    ... The word "cloning" will be the term from the news

    ... we will see the opposite side of the moon


    ... our parents also know how to swear

    ... movies can be viewed when you want

    ... and cartoons!

    ... "War and Peace" - an interesting book

    ... With a better girlfriend, you can not see a whole year, and nothing

    ... Condoms are not funny at all. Okay, almost not funny


    ... on the weekend you can go to Prague

    ... You still do not understand how the electric current works. But you can easily explain

    ... Your child is dealing in computers better than your parents

    ... Pugacheva marries

    ... yes, again

    ... and even sing sometimes

    ... yes, twenty-five years have passed, shaken

    Strained memory: Alexander Smilanskaya

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