Dictionary of Novoya for all occasions. NDA?


And if you find in life at least one situation that is not described by one of the elements of this universal and exhaustive set, then you have a large saddle, carpet and TV. In the sense, respect and respect.

Who (did it), that

Why not say "I broke the car," but only "who broke the car, that I"? .. Who knows, that's not us.
Dictionary of Novoya for all occasions. NDA? 39567_1
And here is the answer to the previous question! And in general, for any question "why so, and not a form." Because it is impossible to just take and say in human! And it is impossible to just take and leave the poor Boromir alone. Which is playing in itself in the best world without ceasing.

(They) such (they)

Use with any characteristic of someone. It eliminates the need to select epithets, it is enough to repeat the subject. You will think about yourself, you yourself are smart - as if we say the interlocutor. Catched in boots? Catics such seals! Cattle is sweet purr? Catics such seals! Has my husband fixed the crane? Husbands such husbands! Has husband broke a faucet? Husbands such husbands ...

That awkward moment when ...

... You understand that some "that awkward moment" came simultaneously with the whole of your tape.

(Something?) No, you did not hear!

In mothers, we have e-pi-de-mi. We all urgently need an otolaryngologist.

(Something) - Done

And not too lazy to switch the layout, just to report about the deed, without retreating from the rule.
Constructive criticism of anything. Previously, "kg / am" was used for this case. Now there is a progress of political correctness.

Something went wrong

Use this spell as an explanation of any problem (lair, puncture, errors, atrocities).

In any incomprehensible situation (do it)

Well, in fact, if something went wrong, then in any incomprehensible situation do anything.

(Something) detected

Wolly speculation as an opponent's characteristic, but no matter how in front of him, but into space. Not "sir, you are a goat", and "Parderworking in the comments detected".

Not so simple

A wonderful answer to any axiom. When schoolchildren will learn him, in response to: "Little Johnny, twice two are not five, and four!", Penetrate answer: "Marivanna, not everything is so simple!"?
Crossing expression. Very deep and motivated.

Whoa whoa easy!

By the way, about the old woman Marivanna, on its diverse claims can be answered so. It is suitable as an answer to any criticism.
Prophetic, bother, revere, predict, I promise, I guarantee ... Cassandrew, in the end! No, it is worried about one-sole soul of the deceased.

With eggs.

The greatest praise is a male creature. Based on it, the greatest creature of the male floor is an ostrich.


Universal request.


Accordingly, a universal offer. Instead of all these your dops, thanks and please.

Level: God

God seems to have not reached the level to which you reached. At least in the art of crushing on Selfie.


How many formulas in the world were for such a case ... "Do not cry, the girl will be rained." "Cold-rod, mana: you are not at work." "Void, life ..." But all, from Carlson to Beni Creek, wholesale won some robust lemur.

All Love and Ines

Use preferably as the next step after "what are you all goats". You insulted me, you still answer me, such as you need to choke in infancy, all Love and Ines.
Judging by the fact that the day is able to make the blurred photo of the average psycan or an old joke, our days are not the most enchanting days.

From the word "at all"

At the beginning there was a word, and the word was "quite". From this word all other words occurred.

Beam diaros

The sharply directed flow of particles of the energy of the rapid (over 2 times a day) is the release of liquid flowing. Before what the technique has reached that they learned to send.

Blind on the fan

Somehow connected with the previous point.

Template break

Already saleswomans of parsley in the bazaar friend a friend tell: "And the claw is to enter there - and the teeth of the template gap has happened-a-Xia!" Interestingly, where the Claw is the ETOT pattern.
Actually, it cannot be revealed, except in the universe, except in the universe.


Linguists say that this term is derived from the name of the epic hero, which was distinguished by perseverance and fabulous ability not to lick on circumstances. He won his more archaic fellow, sorcerer Paleb.


Her laughter ... He is so thin, ringing and gentle, like a bell.


And the bell sometimes does like that.

Chote Ruz

If ridiculous, then Cho is "Chota". If not ridiculous, then choose.


Any emotion. Here's how "ku - all other words." You can arrange an experiment: answer this word to any stimulus. Funny? Ololo! Doubtful? Ololo. Stupid? Ololo !!!


And this word, by the way, Del has. "Tatarsk. bottom Astrach. Bear comic. Bortnik, Bear, Toptygin, etc. " In the Caspian Sea, industrialists do not dare to remember the bear, fearing storms, and call him ae. And you thought: what is the interlocutor about?
Jowar is all that is not "GGG", then Pichalka. Crested cookies - Pichalka. A bunch of people died - and this will give him a pile of his ...


Reduction from American Oh My God. Catching to sacred forces.

Life is pain

Thin, tidy, witty and thorough analysis of someone moral and mental state associated with negative experience and subjectively negative sensations of the opponent.
A detailed description of anything.

All as we love

See previous item.

Epic Fale

The way to describe any situation exactly in a nutshell. Up to your own biography!

Bravo, CEP

This is what you say to us by reading this article. And what we will reply to you on your answer! You can answer us the same. Talked, Cho!

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