Why sesame is good and what benefits he brings health


Why sesame is good and what benefits he brings health 39565_1

Seeds of sesame is the seeds of oilseeds, known in India as a source of nutrients for thousands of years. They are widely used in Chinese, Japanese and Korean cooking. These seeds can be added to many dishes to emphasize its fragrance. Rich with zinc, calcium, zinc, iron and vitamin E, they have many advances to human health. So, what "knows" the sesame.

1. Controls blood pressure

The high level of blood pressure is harmful to the heart, and maintaining it under control is important for the general state of health. Seeds of sesame contain magnesium, vitamin E and antioxidants that help prevent the formation of plaques in the arteries and reduce the chances of developing cardiovascular diseases.

2. Reduces cholesterol

Cezin and sesamolin present in sesame seeds are lignanes (a group of polyphenolic compounds of plant origin). They are able to reduce cholesterol. Black sesame seeds also contain vegetable compounds called phytosterol, which have the same structure as cholesterol. Consumption of black sesame seeds helps reduce cholesterol in blood and reduces the risk of developing certain types of cancer.

3 promotes bone health

In seed seeds, high calcium content, the main component of the bones. They are also rich in zinc, which is an important mineral to maintain bone density. Full-table of natural sesame seeds contains more calcium than a complete glass of milk. Consumption of sesame seeds can reduce the chances of the development of osteoarthritis and promotes bone strengthening.

4 Reduces inflammation

Chronic inflammation can lead to the development of problems such as obesity, heart disease, cancer and kidney disease. The anti-inflammatory properties of sesame seeds can help in the fight against inflammation and reduce the likelihood of developing serious diseases.

5 improves head health

The presence of minerals, vitamins and various other nutrients can help those who suffer from problems with the scalp. Just need to launch sesame oil directly into the scalp to promote healthy hair growth and skin health. It will help to fight dry, peeling and pore plugging, which lead to thinning and hair loss. Antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties help to treat the skin infections and fight with dandruff.

6 Reduces the risk of diabetes

Diabetes occurs at a high level of glucose in the blood. If not to be treated, this disease can damage the eyes, nerves, kidneys and other organs. Seeds of sesame contain magnesium and other nutrients that help maintain proper blood sugar levels. The sesame seed oil is the only nutritional oil, which not only effectively reduces blood pressure and plasma glucose level in hypertensive diabetes, but also increases the content of antioxidants in the blood.

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