19 most extreme ways to save


PICS.RU ran through the women's forums and found 19 tootremental councils on the topic of family budget savings. You never dreamed :)

1. "When the toothpaste ends, the tube is cut in half, one half is inserted into the other, and the paste on the walls remains for the week of use!"

2. "And it is still possible when the soap remains a small piece, then it is well blurred and stick to a new piece. Received production is obtained. "

3. "I painfully love the teas of the" strawberry with cream "or" Bailis Cream ". I stood sachets in my package 4 for 1 time boiled. I bought a pack of cheap green and black tea without additives and began to dilute their expensive for aroma. "

4. "Refused shampoo - instead of him baby soap and arable (therapeutic)".

5. "Yesterday I decided to move from whole meat to the offal ... I don't know how good it is and right in terms of the fullness of nutrition, but what is cheaper, for sure. At night, entertained by reading cooking, but, frankly, it was not a dotumkal how to cook donkey ... ".

6. "My daughter demands that the light burns in the room (since we are not very light), and at least two light bulbs 60 watts are included in the room. I find more entertainment in the kitchen - there is one energy saving lamp, but lightly light! "

7. "I want to tell how I save in trifles. Footwear in the cold season becomes inside wet, if not dry - flies. You can dry with special devices, I have no such. But I know where the nearest pet store. There I buy a package of the simplest silica gel filler. I fall asleep on the boots - the next morning everything is dry and practical, the filler absorbs the really liters. I save on dryers and new boots. "

8. "And I am so saving on a lipstick: when it ends, there are still a lot in the tube. Then I get it with a cotton stick. There is enough lipstick for a long time, I must say. And in order to save cotton wands, I cut them into two parts (they are two-way). "

9. "I do not work, I sit at home and go to the toilet, of course, at home. I think that many women enjoy paper even after low need. So, somehow my mom advised me not paper, but to use a cloth for this. And the paper is less than the expenditure ... And then I noticed that the roll on the family is enough of literally days at 5, if used. And we buy not cheap, the toad has become choking. And I even bought a terrible dark towels and I use them, changing every day. Very comfortably".

10. "I do not use the gel for the shower and liquid soap. I wash just hot water - why soap, if I wash hot water 2 times a day. "

11. "And we use ordinary matches instead of air freshener in the toilet. Since I do not carry all these flavors in the Spirit, but in combination with other smells in general a nightmare. Of course, you can also get a pine twig (also very good), but this is already an amateur, and I have no twigs. At the same time, the savings are decent)))) ".

12. "And I as a husband came up with squeezing the remnants of mayonnaise from the patching of a rolling pin: Rolls it as the dough. The main thing under the spout of the package to substitute so that all mayonnaise does not squeeze on the table. "

13. "I take out the microwave from the outlets (there used to be a day, the time was turned on and the clock was shown on it), we take charging telephone from the outlets. They also turn out to be "eager" el. Energy even at a time when Mobility is not recharged. "

14. "If your hands are growing out of the right place, you can buy a larger clothes on the sale of larger clothes, to sew or give the dressmaker for 100 rubles and will save."

15. "And in my bag there are rolled triangle packages of those stores in which I regularly buy. I pay at the checkout of the magnet, for example, and I myself have a magnet package from the bag.


- Is this our package?


- For a long time, my "

16. "And I rinse bottles (for example, from under shampoo). I pour some water and scolding. Enough as a rule for another 3-4 times. "

17. "Economy at the subway. I buy an annual travel (cheaper than much). And when we go to the city with the second half - we pass one after one after 7 minutes. He used to buy a card for himself, and we went together, and then stopped for 7 minutes not to wait so long, but the savings are not bad. "

18. "Milk for an old daughter, I drag into a jar and removes it in the refrigerator (it does not have time to kill) and I use the baking economy-cupcake."

19. "In the evening, I wrap my face with Tonic with the help of a cotton disk, then I put it on a jar with cream, I clean it in the morning, already dried, in a separate box, and then, when the time of manicure-pedicure comes, I get these discs and wash the lacquer."

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