Party at Bobika House


Left a dog one? Returned, and Blochemoz devoured your old sneakers? Do not worry. First, it is to blame. And, secondly, it happens worse. Much worse.

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The child wanted to walk and skewly tried to open the door. And it is still time to change, see themselves.

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An attempt to flee was almost crowned with success.

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The dog ate my coursework. Yes, ate!

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And the latest money.

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And truth: who did it?

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"No, well, what did you break? There is no reason to do the repair! "

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"Always you buy shoes not for the season! But now the pedicure will do! "

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"And these boots still have worn!"

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Just he is time to walk. Well, the repair would be nice to do.

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Here it is so cozy ...

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"Beat you, dad?"

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Anyway, it was very unmarried furniture.

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Equipment for sports. Heathed. MMMM!

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Honestly, this is a disgusting wallpaper. He is absolutely right, although it was not necessary to so much.

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Really sad story: the dog ate aston Martin for about $ 130 thousand and instead of understanding and forgive, the owner gave the dog. Missed together.

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"It would be nice to learn to knock. Actually, I'm not alone here! "

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Once it was a bag. Perhaps even expensive.

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"My sofa. I do what I want. In the end, I see so. "

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This is called Palm Pilot - there were such pocket computers in their time. Scary expensive. And, apparently, very tasty.

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"True, because you love me more than some sandals?"

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But sometimes, of course, I want to nail. Just for arrogance and complete absence of repentance. That's what kind of faces?

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But even more angry with the evil owners who come home, find the defeat (you think to buy a new door) and, instead of going to walk with a dog and entertain it in every possible way, start taking pictures.

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What was it? player? HDD? What already, in essence, the difference!

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Freedom or repair!

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Excellent tuning, by the way!

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Are you preparing for vacation? postponed a passport and money? And you throw a dog to whom you thought?

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Ball on the Christmas tree. Classic ;-)

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