How to charm a man from the first word: 10 proven rules of a secular conversation


How to charm a man from the first word: 10 proven rules of a secular conversation 39551_1

One of the criteria to enjoy the person - to spend a good conversation with him and leave behind a pleasant impression. Interesting people now, unfortunately, are rare, and if they come across, they are remembered for a long time - I also want to meet with them. To become a good interlocutor - just remember the only 10 rules.

1. Talk about the weather

Etiquette states that the discussion of weather is an ideal topic for conversations absolutely with any person. This also includes topics concerning culture, news (not to be confused with politics), art, sports. The main thing is not to get involved. Otherwise, the discussion of global news can go to the hot dispute on the topic of political system. If you feel that the dispute is about to start, just delicately change the topic. Remember, the essence of the conversation is not to convince the interlocutor and change his worldview, but make new acquaintances and a pleasant time.

2. Go around the "Red" themes

The "red" zone includes topics in which the interlocutors are with high probability of the opposite opinions. This is the topic of politics, and religion, and personal finance, etc. It is also no need to discuss everything that is connected with an intimate life, with family, health. These topics almost always develop into disputes, and very quickly. It is also not necessary to forget that in the house of the Hangman do not speak about the rope - everyone has some kind of "acute" theme that for others may seem quite harmless.

3. Remember you are not a gingerbread

The main rule of any secular conversation is not offended, and not to please and please and like that in principle it is impossible. You can offend the interlocutor with a joke, abandoned not to the place, with my disrespect, overly loud voice, smearing gestures and conversations for an inconvenient topic.

Therefore, if communication takes place with a unconscious person, it is worth being very careful. And in order not to provoke yourself if the interlocutor is unpleasant - try to change it, but do it as culturally as possible, bring your apologies, thank for the dialogue and tell me that we would like to talk with other familiar people.

4. Prohibition on names

In the dialogues, you can often hear how someone to the right and left "rushes" the names of the people familiar to him that they buy clothes only concrete brands (hereinafter follows the names themselves). Often, such behavior annoys others, and all because thereby man is trying to declare his status, put himself higher than others and increase its value. It can give rise to other feelings of envy, humiliation (not everyone on the pocket of luxury brands, rest in prestigious resorts) and it is not known how to react the interlocutor. Therefore, it is better to carefully follow your speech.

5. Atach and Aprf

Operating a large number of foreign words in the dialogue is considered a moveton. Surely everyone at least once came across people who literally insert foreign words through the proposal. It's one thing when it happens to a foreigner, which some words may not know or use them in a habit and completely different when the interlocutor perfectly owns his native language. The dialogue should be conducted in the language of the country in which people live, and foreign words apply only in case of extreme necessity.

6. Grammar-Nazi will not pass

One of the frequent and very big mistakes in the conversation is to correct your interlocutor if he missed the emphasis in the Word, for example. It is impossible to do this, no matter how annoying it and did not want to emphasize his awareness in linguistics. The interlocutor cannot be corrected, but you can talk about all the rules yourself - he said "Latte", and you continue to say "Latte", but not focusing on it, but simply because you know how correctly, so you say so.

7. Hello listen to the interlocutor

A good conversation implies the ability to listen to a person with whom you are talking. Ask a person questions and interest listening to his answer, react to what he tells you. Carefully listening, you never exhaust topics for conversation - you can always ask clarifying questions. Those. The interlocutor himself in this case is the source of topics. Perhaps, during the whole conversation, you will be able to insert only a few words, but be sure, with this approach, you will hear about yourself as a source, only flattering reviews.

8. Where to draw topics

The most common question that is hears the coaches on etiquette and Small Talks. And the answer to him is very simple and banana - so that it is necessary to talk about, you just need to be actively interested in the world, read interesting literature, be aware of the latest news, and not just scroll through the ribbon in the social network. It is necessary to communicate as much as possible with interesting people, from which you can learn a lot of new things. But at the same time be careful and follow the information from which source the information is received and what exactly you quote. At a meeting of business people, for example, it will be inappropriate to discuss information consolidated in a glamor journal.

9. Good luck loves those who are ready for her

If you know in advance that you have to visit the secular event, accompanied by communicating with unfamiliar people - just prepare for it. What is interesting to the public that will be there? Read the appropriate information, scroll through authoritative thematic logs and newspapers. Try to find out who exactly there will be present, remove information about these people with their pages in the social network - you can find out that it is interesting for a person and what he is fond of. In advance, thinking the topic of the conversation, you just pass the confusion situations.

10. Discard the constraint

"What will think about me?", "I will look ridiculous" and everything in the same style you need to immediately throw out of my head. Who really looks ridiculous, so this is a man who drove into the corner with a glass of wine and buried into the phone while others exchange information. It is very flattered by people when an interest is manifested in their direction when they are about something about something, they are also interested to learn something new, share ideas. Do not be afraid of conversations - because they expand the horizons of personality, allow you to make new, sometimes very useful dating, look for new friends. Therefore, stop afraid and make the first steps to successfully communicate.

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