Why a woman can not be more successful man?

  • Why a woman can not be more successful man? 39545_1

In the past, there were no questions about who should bring home money and provide a family. A woman supports the farm that is practically not engaged in a man while making money for which this farm is supported.

There was a rigid and all clear separation of responsibilities, where a woman could not afford to get a job, and the man was shamefully laid on the sofa before the TV and not earn money.

Times have changed. Women gave the right to work and materially ensure that some extent influenced the emergence of incomplete families. Heself providing a woman no longer agrees to endure a man who changes her. And the man does not always love the woman with whom he sleeps and even has joint children. At the same time, men had the opportunity to be lazy, shift the duty to earn money on a woman and even indignant about the fact that she was successful.

Why a woman can not be more successful man? This question is very complicated, since both sexes are to blame for that sometimes quarrel and suffer due to the occurrence of this problem.

1. Old Society Reviews. In the heads of many men and women still have the ideas that the strong floor should be more successful. This is a consequence of education that is still based on those methods used by great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers in the upbringing of their children. The man even currently needs to earn money and provide a family, despite the fact that the woman has taken the same responsibility, significantly shorting the time for home care. It turns out that life remains unadummed, since neither a man nor a woman doesn't really do it, but in the working sphere, people together gnaw, trying to break out ahead.

• Old education methods. • Lack of understanding that a man can change with a woman in places and become a household. • Former ideas that the money earns a man.

All this leads to that problem when a man begins to feel insecure when his beloved becomes more successful on his field of activity. He and the household could not become, because "this is not a male matter," and the money does not earn so much to be able to feel the "head of the family."

2. Requirements for a man. A woman can be more successful a man, but even the ladies themselves begin to look for more successful cavaliers than they. A large load is superimposed on men's shoulders when not just a society is waiting for heights and career attacks from him, but the woman herself requires him to be more successful. It may even occur to the desire to say such a woman: "So, stop being successful, go down to a couple of steps below. And then I will be more successful than you. " Here the question is often resting in the ability, opportunities and even personal qualities of a person, regardless of its sex. There are men who can achieve success, and there are women who reach high peaks. And the inability of successful women is calmly treating men who are less successful than they cause partners to arrange quarrels on this occasion.

Pay attention to the fact that no one requires success at work. Some men even tell their loved ones that those sat at home and do comfort and children. If a woman suddenly becomes successful, then a man falls into a situation where he does not ask if he wants to be less successful. He is a priori should be higher, it is more important, more successful! So it requires not only society, but the woman herself. Choosing a man to himself, each says that the partner is stronger, which is stronger, richer, more successful, wiser, etc. And if it is above the man for some parameters, it does not want to look at him. It turns out that the woman herself puts his success to a man in position: either becoming planning, or disperse, because she will want a more successful partner, and he will look for a less successful woman to look like a hero on her background.

It is comparable to female responsibilities. If a man is masterfully cooking food, wash clothes perfectly, getting into the house, create warmth and comfort, raise children, develop positive qualities and skills, they will be proud and even admire. It does not require this work, but it will become a hero if it starts to perform it. At the same time, a woman who a priori should engage in life and children will feel uncomfortable against the background of such a "good householder". The society will praise him and reinstall her: "What kind of mistress are you, if your husband does everything for you?". A man may not do the house and children, while his no one will blame him. This is not his duty. However, if the woman does not store the homely focus and does not raise his children, here it will begin to reveal not only society, but also a man.

See the pattern that pushes men and women to quarrels and parting in case they suddenly change places, become successful in those areas that they are not intended for them? A man is always looking for a weaker woman who will be a good housewife (better than he). And a woman is always looking for a stronger partner who will earn more money than she. What happens when a man is successful in everyday life, and a woman is successful at work? They are not rebuilt, but continue to live in the old rules. Now their partners must be more successful. But where are these take? Although the question can be solved by another way. For example, if a woman is successful in work, then a man seeks to become more successful of her, continues to work as before, or begins to do household and children, which is not engaged in a woman. If both partners take this idea, then their family will become strong and harmonious.

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