What vitamins can be taken to women after 35 to keep youth and beauty


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With the arrival of winter, when the main sources of natural vitamins become unavailable, pharmacy preparations and folk recipes come to the rescue, which help to pass the cold season with minimal losses for health and beauty. In this article, we will tell about what vitamins need to be taken to easily overcome the autumn depression, avoid frequent colds, and at the same time to strengthen the nails and improve the skin condition.

For immunity

Probably, only the most lazy did not hear how vitamin C is useful for immunity. In order to fill the lack of ascorbic acid and regularly replenish the body's reserves, there will be natural bras prepared from rosehip or citrus. But the effervescent vitamin C, which is so convenient for use, is not very recommended by the gastroenterologists, which is due to its acidity. You can take such pills from time to time, but know, your stomach for them is definitely not thankling.

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To support the immunity in combat state of the doctor, advise to take balanced vitamin complexes. The best in the ranking are "Veteron", where the vitamins A, E and C, as well as the Multi-Tabs Immuno Plus are considered.

For excellent mood

And in order to overcome the autumn depression and anxiety, magnesium + B6 comes to the rescue - the drug helps to improve the mood and bring the nervous system to harmony. You can drink a monthly course and without recommendations of the doctor, just 1 tablet is enough per day. If necessary, after three months, everything can be repeated.

For beauty and youth

What cares women most? Of course, beauty! Save it in the cold season will help magnesium, selenium and zinc, or rather, their combination. With their help, it is possible to significantly improve the condition of the hair, nails and bones. After 35 years, women are especially recommended to look at them, because with age, the lack of these substances leads to the dullness of the hair, the fragility of the nails and the brittleness of the bones, which strongly affects the appearance and not for the better.

Extend the youth allows collagen, the natural production of which after 40, unfortunately, stops. But it is possible to maintain its reserves in the body, by eating a liquid variant of collagen with low molecular weight - this is precisely such a variety is absorbed by the body who is more advantageous.

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With a smaller role in the preservation of beauty playing vitamin D, which now is replenished by many due to the calcium vitamin complex + d3. This element is especially important in the cold season, when nature does not please the abundance of sunlight, under the action of which the natural production of vitamin D is happening.

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