20 signs that the body lacks vitamins


20 signs that the body lacks vitamins 39542_1

Compliance with a balanced diet with a large number of fruits, vegetables and protein is necessary to keep a healthy lifestyle. If the body lacks any needed vitamin, the body will immediately inform the whole bunch of unpleasant symptoms. Detection of test signs of lack of vitamins is the first step towards solving the problem.

1. Weak nails and hair

There are a number of different factors that contribute to hair luxury and nails. One of the most common causes is the lack of biotin, also known as vitamin B7, which helps the body to turn food into energy. Long use of certain drugs can lead to vitamin B7 deficiency.

2. Cracks in the corner of the mouth

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The destruction of the mouth or region around it may be an indicator of a lack of vitamins. People suffering from ulcers in the corners of the mouth are two times more likely to lack iron and vitamins B1 and B2. If there are similar symptoms or strange "cracks" in the mouth, you should try to add more green vegetables and birds to your diet.

3. Bleeding gums

People, the diet of which consists of fresh vegetables and fruits, is unlikely to experience a vitamin C deficiency, causing the weakening of the gums and the immune system. If you strongly run the problem, it is fraught with even a quantity and loss of teeth.

4. Bad vision at night

The lack of vitamin A will lead to a decrease in the body's production of a sufficient number of melanin, which makes night vision. This problem can be solved by including more products rich in vitamin A in its diet, such as fish oil and liver.

5. Dandruff

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The lack of vitamins B2, B3 and B6 can lead to the appearance of dry scaly spots on the head, eyebrows, eyelids, chest and ears. The relationship between the lack of aforementioned vitamins and these symptoms is currently unknown, but the addition of a larger number of these vitamins to a daily diet can help cure dandruff.

6. Hair loss

Vitamins B3 and B7 are necessary for the development of hair on the head. A shortage of any of these vitamins can cause fragility and hair loss. However, it is worth noting that additives are prescribed only in extreme cases of deficiency.

7. Red and / or white vests throughout the skin

Keratosis Pilaris is a state at which red or white pimples appear on the skin (like during goose skin). Insufficient number of vitamins A and C can aggravate the state. Therefore, to prevent it, you need to add more eggs, fish and fruits and vegetables yellow.

8. Vilis-Eccoma disease

The disease of the Willis Ecboma is a condition in which the patient experiences unpleasant feelings in the legs, causing an insurmountable desire to move them. This is mainly caused by a disadvantage of iron in the body, but insufficient consumption of vitamin C can also contribute to the disease.

9. High blood pressure

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High blood pressure can be caused by a disadvantage of vitamin D. Adults need about 600 international vitamin units per day. The best sources of vitamin D are salmon, tuna, beef liver and egg yolks.

10. Low Blood Pressure

The lack of vitamin D causes high blood pressure, but the lack of vitamin B12 leads to the opposite result. The lack of vitamin B12 can cause muscle weakness and lack of control over the bladder. If a person suffers from low blood pressure due to the deficiency of vitamin B12, it is necessary to increase the consumption of beef, milk and eggs.

11. Excessive sweating

Enhanced sweating can be a sign that the body requires vitamin D. Even the most common, not physical work, such as a computer seat, can lead to the appearance of small droplets of sweat on the forehead.

12. Fatigue

Extremely drowsiness during the day, despite the fact that every night sleep more than 8 hours, may indicate that the body lacks the normal level of vitamin B12. This leads to the fact that blood cells do not tolerate enough oxygen into the body, and the resulting drowsiness appears.

13. Fragile bones

Muscular mass stops developing at the age of about 30 years, so it is important to maintain healthy consumption of both calcium and the necessary vitamins so that the bones remain strong and in the subsequent years of life. The shortage of vitamins can threaten the strength of the bones, and even a light impact on something solid can lead to a fracture.

14. Depression

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Vitamin D plays a rather important role in providing the brain of well-being hormones necessary to fulfill even the most difficult tasks. With the insufficient level of vitamin D rolls the sense of hopelessness even with the easiest problem.

15. Abbreviation of muscle mass

Not only the rod and the simulators help in building muscle mass - Vitamin D also plays a huge role in muscle growth. And when the level of vitamin D drops, the muscles will slowly "dying", leaving a person in confusion as to why even the rise on the stairs is so extinguished.

16. Feeling tingling

The deficiency of vitamins reduces the amount of oxygen that can be transferred to blood cells. This makes it difficult to the process of blood circulation and leads to the emergence of strange sensations of tingling in random parts of the body.

17. Strange behavior

If someone will leave their keys in the refrigerator or suddenly suddenly will forget the name of his nephew or niece, the reason for this may be lack of vitamin B12. The lack of vitamin B12 can be easily taken for Alzheimer's disease in elderly patients, but Vitamin B12 additive can help alleviate such symptoms.

18. Dizziness

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Dizziness is also a common symptom of vitamin deficiency. In the most "running" cases, people with a shortage of any vitamins may experience a complete loss of equilibrium feelings in the most unexpected moments.

19. Patenity

Vitamin B12 deficiency also "depletes" skin color. If the body does not have enough of this vitamin in the body, then red blood cells can easily collapse, giving the skin an unhealthy yellowish tint.

20. Smooth, Red Language

If little tubercles (papillas) are disappeared in the tongue, then this is one of the signs that a person suffers from the lack of vitamin B12. Painful sensations in the back of the tongue are also a common symptom of vitamin deficiency. Food will probably lose taste, but you need to try to eat more beef, tuna and enriched cereals.

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