Sad story about the artist who drew the cats


Matroskin, Lepold, Kitten named Gav - all these seams, so beloved by us, are obliged to William Wayne as their people like Louis. It is this English artist first endowed cats with human behavior and emotions.

Louis Wayne (1860-1939) was Peter's cat, and if more precisely, Peter the Great, named after our emperor Peter's first. Louis sued a cat to sit in front of the book in glasses, as if he reads, and perform other simple teams. All this Louis did to entertain his wife, who died from cancer.
Miracle did not happen: a young woman died. But during this period, Louis made a mass of cat sketches that became the basis of his future popularity. Starting from 23 years old, he painted almost one cats. Then they have not yet walked on two legs and did not have human traits, but the beginning was put. Louis drawings began to publish in books and magazines.
For us, as for fans of cartoons, it is more interesting that the period of creativity Louis Wayne, which can be called "Cat Stirling." It began in the last decade of the nineteenth century. Since then, the popularity of the artist constantly grew, he painted to six hundred and quotes per year.
Louis_Wain _-_ Katzenklub
This productivity can not boast of any modern photographer, and after all, Louis did not just press the button, but created masterpieces with a pencil and brushes. He issued the books, his illustrations published in journals, he even made his collection "Yearbook Luis Winter."
The decision of the English mail, which in 1902 allowed to put an image on one side of the postcards, can be called an epochable event for fans of cats. Here Louis turned to full. Postcards with his cats and then were popular, and now have become the object of hunting for collectors. Currently, their cost can be measured with tens of thousands of dollars.
Louis William Wayne cats go on the hind legs, wear costumes, smoke, play musical instruments. In general, lead a normal secular life.
"I take my notepad into a restaurant or any other lively place and just draw people in their usual poses like cats, hanging them as much as possible. It gives my work a dual nature, and I consider them my best jokes. "
Louis Wayne not only painted cats, but also tried to help them. He consisted in emerging charitable societies defending these striped fluffy and even became president of the English National Cat Club.
But the life of the artist was not always joyful and cloudless. Luis was paralobally trusting and extremely disadvantaged. In the tenth of the years of the last century, he found himself on the verge of poverty, invested all the money in some turbid event. In addition, Louis began to develop schizophrenia.
He was always strange, but in recent years of his life, his strangeness moved into a serious mental disorder. Louis got his households with incomprehensible quirks, constantly rearranged the furniture and generally complicated life to others. After in 1924 he lowered his sister from the stairs, he was placed in a psychiatric hospital.
Louis did not stop painting, and his condition could not affect his work. Now his cats have become illustrations in psychiatry textbooks. They illustrate the change in the style of creativity as a result of the development of a mental illness over time.
The artist's illness became aware of the press, which caused a new wave of interest in his person. Herbert Wells had troubled for him and even the British Prime Minister. As a result, Louis translated a very good Nespebury clinic, which is not far from London, where he lived until his death. At the hospital, a feline kennel was opened. And perhaps it is these hospital cats and became the heroes of his last pictures.

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