How to choose the right sunglasses not to ruin your eyesight


How to choose the right sunglasses not to ruin your eyesight 39524_1
Many are waiting for the arrival of the summer, as you can get rid of warm heavy clothes, enjoy warm days. But at this time it is necessary to regularly think about their protection against the negative effects of sunlight. Many know about their negative impact on the skin, but not everyone understands that the eyes are also important to protect against this negative impact.

Special darkened glasses are used to protect the eyes. Pay attention to the selection of such an accessory, you can choose an option that will help make an image of interesting, stylish, fashionable.

Reliable protection

In the summer, the sun is so dazzling that it becomes just painful to watch. There are no such problems with sunglasses. Choosing a really high-quality accessory, you can protect your eyes from harmful ultraviolet rays. If it is not taken care of this, then you can face such unpleasant eye diseases, like cataracts, photoctorate, snow blindness. In order not to have such problems, it is important to get acquainted with the rules that help choose the best points of the glasses.

Degree of protection

Glasses are divided into several categories in their degree protection. Light models are passed from 43% to 80% of light. Such points for the most part are used as an accessory and we can only wear them in cloudy weather. Glasses with medium protection are passed from 18% to 43% of light. This option is recommended for weather with variable cloud. They are suitable for both walks and driving personal transport. With strong lighting, it is recommended to use strong glasses transmitting from 8% to 18% of light. They reliably protect their eyes from bright sunlight during the daytime, can be used at this time by drivers. There is a type of sunglasses that transmit only from 3% to 8% of the light. They are a good option for ski resorts, use in highlands.

In most cases, there are glasses with labeling UV380, which filter 95% of ultraviolet rays. If there is an opportunity, specialists recommend paying attention to the models with the mark of the UV400, as they filter 99-100% of such rays, that is, provide more reliable eye protection.

Tips for choosing

Be sure to come up before purchasing glasses. At this time, you should listen to your feelings, since the perfect option should be convenient. The ideal model does not squeeze whiskey and does not press the bridge. If the slightest discomfort occurs, you should immediately refuse such an acquisition. After all, with long wearing, such a feeling will only increase, grow into pain.

Modern sunglasses are made with different color of glasses. Lovers of bright colors worth paying attention to the models with brown or green glass, as, according to experts, they are a good option, but from everyone else they recommend refusing, especially with long wearing, as they will negatively affect the cornea, promote expansion eyes. By purchasing glasses for the beach, it is better to stop your choice on models with polarization coating. Such a special coating helps protect the cornea from stimuli, minimizes glare.

Purchase place

Today you can buy sunglasses anywhere. That's just something in a similar way undesirable, as it is difficult to find a really high-quality product on the market. The best purchase option to buy such an accessory will be a specialized store or even optics, where all the features of the glass used by the manufacturer will help choose the model of glasses for specific customer purposes.

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