Is it worth trying gas-liquid peeling: features and results of the procedure


Is it worth trying gas-liquid peeling: features and results of the procedure 39521_1

Women pay a lot of time to carry out a variety of procedures that help preserve them beauty. They are also ready to spend considerable funds for this, turning to specialized beauty salons. From time to time, new procedures appear in the price lists of such salons. One of the new cosmetology procedures is gas-liquid peeling.

A feature of it lies in the contactless effect of a mixture of compressed gas liquid on the skin. This procedure helps to carry out skin grinding, as well as its cleansing, delivery of special preparations and compositions to skin cells.

Features of the procedure

Gas-liquid peeling refers to the number of procedures aimed at rejuvenating the skin. This is one of the latest innovations that significantly help without conducting operational intervention. The creators of it are Israeli scientists.

A special device is used to carry out this procedure. Its special nozzle supplies a gas mixture consisting of pure oxygen and carbon dioxide. A salt solution is used as a fixed assembly of the mixture, another aqueous mixture can also be used, which includes a variety of cosmetic preparations, vitamins. During operation, the device droplets fluid removes the cells from the surface of the skin, which have already been dead. At this time, moisturizing and nutrition of the deep layers of the skin is carried out. It is worth noting that through this procedure, it is possible to affect not only the skin of the face, and on the skin of intimate parts of the body: belly, limbs, decolte area, hips, buttocks. Such an impact significantly improves microcirculation, and therefore the effect of such peeling becomes noticeable after the first procedure.

Advantages of gas-liquid peeling

The main advantage of this cosmetology procedure is that at the same time it includes several other procedures. By conducting one session, such cosmetology procedures can be replaced as: ultrasound cleaning, brashing, massage, lymphatic, removal of stretch marks and scars, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, suspender. This will significantly reduce the time in the cabin, as well as to save your money to significantly.

G gas-liquid peeling procedure

This procedure is quite simple, but it is carried out in several stages. Only a professional cosmetologist should be engaged in holding all actions. Previously, he removes the entire makeup from his face. If gas-liquid peeling is carried out on other parts of the body, they are necessarily degreasing. At the next stage, the master embarks on the skin processing with a gas mixture and water composition. The water composition is selected by it in accordance with the patient's skin condition, as well as depending on the results to achieve. Skin treatment is carried out sequentially.

The patient during such procedures does not experience any unpleasant sensations, there are no painful sensations. In the place of exposure to the apparatus, a feeling of coolness may occur. This procedure is carried out quite quickly and on average takes 10-25 minutes. Specific time depends on the processing area. Such peeling can be carried out at any time of the year. It will be especially useful before going to the solarium, departure to the sea, as in this case the tan will better fall on the skin. Despite the fact that the results of gas-liquid peeling become noticeable after the first session, one will not be enough. Usually the course consists of four 10 procedures. The difference between the procedures is 7-10 days.

Skin care after gas-liquid peeling

Since during the skin cleaning procedure, it does not damage its damage, then no special care is required after the procedure. A woman can continue to use cosmetic products familiar to it. There is a chance to appear small redness, which simply indicates a sensitive skin client. Such redness is coming in a few hours. Since the skin at this time is deprived of dead cells, it becomes more defenseless in front of the sunny rays, and therefore in summer days you can use sunscreen with high protective factor.

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