Halfing on the grass: 12 weed recipes for Eco-Dachnitsa


While you decide that it is better - a coat or a down jacket, the Murani tricks on a schedule climbed into the light. They are lucky: weeds are at all anyway, there is summer or not. And since the vitamin D this year did not come out, then it's time to benefit from everything that grows at hand. Of course, it is better if it's your "at hand" in the country, and not in the center of the city on the side of the road.


Nettle and all-all-all

Mix scalded nettle leaves with clover, sorrel, green onions and garlic feathers. Relay olive oil with balsamic vinegar and sugar.

Salad from the Cheremche

Finely cut the abraise, green onions, parsley, two cucumbers, three potatoes and boiled eggs. Add fresh green peas and leaving sour cream. If you have not yet reached a dacha pp-zen, add in a salad of ham or boiled sausage.

Burning in the batter (not a joke)

Shopping roots of burdock, no less than a kilogram. Cut core and booze in salted water 20 minutes. Shoot on pieces and fried in a grain (eggs, milk, flour and spices). Excellent snack for smoothies.

Celery from Lopuha

Unfortunately, Lopukhov has something like a variety, and not every variety of impressive roots. Regarding the win-win edition of the burdock - the cuttings of young leaves. They must be cut, scream and slightly pick up. The taste is unusual, but many like many. You can put the burdocks in the salad as analog celery.

Coffee for gourmet

If you have the roots of the burdock, grind them with a knife, slip, dry, cracker in the oven to drill and grinding in a blender. Baw at the rate of 1-2 teaspoons on a cup of fragrant, invigorating coffee, well, you understood.

Jam from dandelions

400 pieces of dandelion colors (yes, they need to be collected) It is necessary to taste in water together with a pair of cut lemons for about 10 minutes. Ansitate for a day and inherit day in a leaky decoction to add half a kilogram of sugar and cook jam. Pour into banks and clog. To taste, the jam resembles honey and perfectly goes with baking.


Wine from dandelions

This is a recipe for the most desperate. If you have for strength, go back to dandelions again. Collectable colors in a liter jar (or a bottle of wine). You will need only petals, without a stewed and a green blossom.

Makyat 4 liters of water, the coolest of it and on the day the petals of the petals. The next day half a kilogram of sugar solutions in half liters of water and swari thick syrup. Infusion with flowers boil once again, the cooler. Mass squeeze, liquid strain.

From two lemons to cut a zest, loud juice. Put it all in the decoction, hover syrup, add a raisin half a compartment, 3 mint branches. Cut all this towel and leave to wander.

Two days later, mint was removed from the liquid, and leave the raisins.

Pereln wine into a bottle, put on top of a holey rubber glove (you probably have such a thing) and put it wander on in a dark place. When everything is ready, you will see the sediment, you need to remove it. Pour wine on bottles, clog and put in a dark place for full excerpt for half a year. Excellent Christmas drink will come out!

Soup from nettle

Barreling nettle in boiling water 3 minutes, pollution, skip in a blender and carcasses with oil 10-15 minutes. In another frying pan, Spasoreui carrots, onions and parsley. To boiling broth (or just water for the most courageous) throw the nettle and roaster. Warm twenty minutes. 10 minutes before the prepaid, add green onions, bay leaf, pepper, carnation and sorrel.


Something from the plantain

200 grams of plantain leaves chopper and stew in a small amount of water, add green onions. When the greenery becomes soft, add butter, flour and spices. Continue to fry for another twenty minutes. As a result - a useful garnish for anything.

Calendula salad

Boiled potatoes cut into slices, mix with finely chopped green onions, and flower baskets calendula. For refueling, mix olive oil, wine vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper.

Floral Pie

Ready puff dough separated into two parts. The first - crack, licker oil and put it on it crushed clover flowers, sprinkle with sugar and close it all the second part of the test. Sprinkle a closed poppy pie and yelling until readiness.

Green caviar

Snyty leaves and nettle tapping in boiling water. A couple of minutes. Take, finely torn together with the green and repressed onions and Passeri all this three minutes on vegetable oil. Enjoy and put the caviar in a beautiful jar. Solit and pepper - before serving on the table.

Text author: Daria Ionina

Illustrations: shutterstock

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