10 syndromes that happen to your man


If you open a medical directory, you can deduct a lot of interesting about the disease and syndromes that are involved only with men. But the most important thing will not write there. About what to do when your man is.

The terrible "this" is one of 10 syndromes, which sooner or later will happen to each representative of the genus Male. PICS made up his medical directory - to make it easier for you not to kill. Well, a person got sick - who does not happen?

Karlson syndrome

Any normal man has only two states: he is fine or he is in death. Moreover, the death agony can be caused not only by hitting bullets of caliber 5.45 in vital organs. Carious tooth, headache or temperature 37.9 - quite suitable reasons for treating and start to die immediately. Here it is a weak voice asking you to approach, takes you by the hand and whispers the most important thing: you should be strong, he is not against that you then married once again, and he will be married to Dimon.

Peter Pena syndrome

If you live with your cute, this syndrome is familiar with you. It doesn't matter who of the two of you suggested dividing with each other not only feelings, but also a living space - all the same at this moment you looked into my eyes and saw the abyss. The abyss of horror and despair. This is how - everything ended in childhood? This is what is not to fly to him more like a bird? What a nightmare. I warn you: the syndrome is incurable! If at the moment the patient does not select, then this is not recovery, but only remission. Sooner or later, he will start walking with friends to football, or will buy Harley, or you will have a son and a radio-controlled helicopter will appear in the house. Remember: non-les-chi-mo!

Atost's syndrome

Drink - ok. Drink and fall into black melancholy - also normal. To drink, to fall into Melancholy and mournfully to throw about the fate-villain - absolutely normal. Do you do this yourself? The same. But if you see that your man has been blaked by a face, chlorides one after another and silent, although he had nothing happened - Dimonu, Kolyan or Vasily Petrovich. In general, anyone knows, but find your cute drinking companion and a vest. And herself go somewhere. There have been cases when Athos syndrome led to severe injury. And some men, he altogether in the grave. Because, you know, not every woman can calmly listen to drunk howls about what the bitch is his former.

Othello syndrome

Very, very cunning sore. Some it passes in a light form and disappears almost without a trace like a windmill. And some this syndrome goes into a chronic form, and the further - the harder the exacerbation. In general, if he, madly rotating his eyes, does it, whether you prayed for the night - be calm. He has a sudden sharp shape, it will pass. The chronic form can be recognized by constant whining: you, in his opinion, too often you see with girlfriends, too often you do not hear the phone and in general - how much can you stay at work, what are you doing there, eh? Here medicine is powerless, alas. Further will be worse.

Syndrome Sharicikova

Despite the formidable name, the syndrome is absolutely harmless. It is impossible to even say that the men suffer from them - they enjoy them. The manifestations of the disease are very short, although regular. Daily, you can say. Just think about how your man looks in the mirror. What is it? Looks at your beer mamon, and the face is so self-satisfied, what do you want to crack? That's about, classic: "I am a handsome man. It is very possible that my grandmother sinned with a diver "

Bulino syndrome

Attention! Very dangerous syndrome! Some organisms are completely stable to it, transfer in a light form and earn lifelong immunity. And some - alas ... In general, if you see that your man caught fire with some suspicious idea - urgently take action. The best thing is to take it to be treated on the water. Three months. Because if the cat and chanterelle put your cute about the super-promising startup, thanks to which you all go, but later - he will only lose time, nerves and money. And if they teach him to raw, or pray to the Holy Ktulhu, say, - he will lose his health at first, and then everything else. Act, sister. Immediately.

Kaya syndrome

In the life of each man, the situation in which he will have to make the word "happiness" from the letters about w. a and n. And he, naturally, nothing will come. And then he will remember you that someone promised in the mountain and in joy. And at the same time it will tell that he put all his life for the fact that the family does not need anything, and you, ungrateful, can not help him in a difficult situation. Moreover, if you really can't help anything, the syndrome will manifest themselves especially brightly. Be patient. It is necessary to just survive. Still a rag and not to deplete for a while. In the end, he who every month tolerates your self-know-what syndrome.

Niels syndrome

This terrible state never arises in itself, and is always a complication of Kaya's syndrome. Your man suddenly realizes that all his life lived wrong, and now he wants to start all over again and flutter far away. Well still, if with wild geese, and not with some frozen malicious. The most offensive thing is that this syndrome is extremely rarely striking young men. You live together for many years, you have a house, you have children, you have grown into one thing - and suddenly he puts on wooden shoes, announces that he has become a different person and starts to jump with the pen in the ass, knocking down with the geese. Horror. What to do? And do nothing. It is like a climax, only in boys. Inevitably, inevitably and scary. But it happens only once.

Cheburashka syndrome

Do you remember why Cheburashka has such a strange name? Because he fell all the time, that is - Cheburauhal. That's your man once will drink too much, it is overwhelmed at work or survive serious stress. And that's it. Everything! Something will fall at the most inopportune moment. The roar will be like that as if the sky fell to the ground. God, he fell! It is better to die than to carry a stamp shame the rest of my life - this is what will be written on your man's face. Your task is to courageously not noticing this syndrome. No need to ask him a week after Fiasko, what happened if he walks with a gloomy face. It happened! You do not understand anything, a woman!

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