10 discoveries that you do, becoming a mother


1. Now you have a lot in common with anthropomorphic combat robots: almost do not eat, you almost won't sleep, almost do not go to the toilet, when Ignoring the ALARM lamp (someone has looked at the carriage) - spray atoms.

2. The principle of "trust, but check" for some time becomes the basis of your existence. You are daily elbowed in a bathroom with water every day, try the temperature of the mixture every day, eat the first spoonful of the nasty zucchinny puree, and, despite the fact that at the degrees at the moment +15, you still go to the balcony: the thermometers do not show wind, tsunamis and Other movements of tectonic plates.

3. The nervous system is also rebuilt. A person who looked the 26th series of "Masha and Bear" 114 times in a month becomes strong in spirit and dedran by the eye.

4. If ever in this world will appear the profession "Personal Championer of the Far Eastern Octopus", then you will, no doubt, will take place without a contest. The one who knows how to pull tights into a living goal, who knows "NO", will cope with the whole tribe of charts without any problems.

5. By the way, with the role of a sapper, you will handle everything for a hundred. The first three years of the apartment will be a minefield, because "he can eat something from the floor something" like grandfather slippers, and the next seven years you will search for Grandfather Slippers under the mountain of various-caliber constructors.

6. Remember - without exception grandma - insidious. Despite the fact that you spent your childhood with the key on the neck, and periodically heated the sad puree on a scary dangerous gas stove - she was a good mother. Unlike you, stretching, which forgets to put on the child a sweater, although on the street only +25, and the snow will fall out.

7. Family life will also change. The fact is that a man does not immediately get used to marriage with a combat anthropomorphic robot, and at first, it is used to be sad and argued on the topic "Wife as replaced", demand meat with gravy. The best way to save the young father from the Dum is immediately pushing it. Act - we believe in you!

8. You have to find out that absolutely all educational techniques in one degree or another contradict each other. Montessori offers freedom, Spock - all sorts of scope, spouse - to divert, and especially radical parents from "natural motherhood" - to bury the placenta under the tree "For Happiness". Remember - There is only one good way - your personal!

9. Find your path will be quite difficult, because suddenly it turns out that around you - exclusively experts who know "as better" by definition. The highest scientist degree in babies will, of course, in the mother-in-law ;-)

10. Amazing, but despite 1-9, you will be absolutely happy. Because whoever did something there - have your personal little one - incredibly cool!

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