10 ways to reduce harm from smoking. If without him


When Dad asks his unreasonable child to bring him a cigarette with a kitchen, then adequately adds: "Smoking badly, never smoke, son." We are talking to your children the same. But, despite the huge inscriptions and photographs of dismembered children on packs, they still continue to smoke. If the Will's Forces, one feature - no, then let's think about how to reduce the harm from smoking.

Do not smoke on an empty stomach

Scientists (not British) counted that those who smoke on an empty stomach have a chance to pick up lung cancer 1.79 times higher than the most patient smokers. The risk of throat cancer they are also 1.59 times higher. Plus, tightening, barely for the eyes, you annoy the stomach. He begins to work more actively, and if he has nothing to digest, he digesors himself. Good attempt, and then pulling the cigarette.

Do not smoke one after one under alcohol

One in principle is not to smoke, and under alcohol, when it pulls, especially. According to the enhanced brandy, the vessels are all bad, which is in cigarettes, is scattered in the body with a special passion. In this case, the intestines suffer in this case, and you risk earning a colon cancer and rectum. The same applies to a combination of coffee and cigarettes.

Do not smoke after exercise

Fight with the desire to smoke after sex or any other physical exertion. It is clear that the heart throws, weakness in the body, and so cool to delay the cigarette without getting out of bed. Resist! The fact is that the roar after load runs much faster, which means that the tobacco rubbish is more likely separated by cells and in more greater quantities in the body.

More often walk in the fresh air

The state is more and more about us and does not allow smoking in the premises. No matter how disgusting frost, but this is somewhat safer than to delay in stinky smoking. Walking in the fresh air contributes to gas exchange in the lungs and withdrawal of toxic substances. In addition, so you will reduce the risk of obtaining chronic obstructive lung disease, the same cough smokers.

Improve peripheral blood supply

Pour in the mornings with cold water and rubbing hands and legs with a hard towel. Mood and performance improves, and the risk of blood blocks is reduced. Ideal if you do it to the first cigarette.

Buy electronic cigarette

The main harm brings not even nicotine himself, but the pitches that are released during the burning of the tobacco leaf. The electronic cigarette is, inhaler, inhaler. The smoker is inhaled not smoke, but nicotine containing pairs. And it can be smoking right in the room in front of passionate adversaries smoking. Do not attack: the law is not prohibited.

Pey Vitamin S.

The smokerster is stronger than the lack of vitamin C, and if we decided to smoke further, then it is necessary to fill it. Eat citrus, cauliflower, tomatoes or drink vitamins from a pharmacy. Especially be careful with this in the cold season, when everyone is sick. Smokers cure cough is much more difficult.

Do not write to the filter

Economy is, of course, well. But here we are talking about a friend. Before you get into the lungs, smoke is cleared not only by the filter, but also the cigarette itself. That is, in tobacco near the filter, all the most juicy rubbish accumulates. Spit two thirds of the cigarette, and throw out the last third or give the enemy.

Pey more fluid

Intoxication of the body is well removed by dairy products and citrus juices (again vitamin C). Water is rinsing the kidneys and blood, not letting the nicotine. But do not overdo it with the amount of water. If you whip three liters per day and more, then on the contrary you load the kidneys, and other problems will begin.

Less smoke

We know that so mom always says. Banally, but it works. If you can not smoke, do it. The smaller the poison in the body, the less harm. Well, try again to quit smoking. They say it helps.

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