15 signs that you live with a goat

1. "Then" is his favorite word. From your boyfriend it is impossible to achieve specifics. On any question from the "when you throw a Christmas tree" to the hostel "When we finally collaborated" you always get this "then". During your dating, "then" the order was exhast, partially rotted and in general it is worth your throat. Why do you still believe him? 2. He forgets everything connected with you. For example, your date of birth and what you gathered on weekends in the movies. He forgets to warn you that he will come in the evening, but with friends. Forgets that you do not like Martini, and you are allergic to peanuts. Sometimes it seems to you that he remembers everything, but specifically mocks, and sometimes you think you are for him - an empty place. Both options are so-so honestly. 3. He is lying. Sometimes it is lying in some kind of purposes (for example, to justify the late arrival), and sometimes just like that. Lights so inevitable and so ashamed that you do not understand - why?! Why does he do it? He, what does - consider you a complete fool, ready to believe in any nonsense? Or does it not respect that even does not even bother with reliability? 4. It is not completely considered with your plans and schedules. For example, it can easily say to Sabbath in the morning "So, we are going through, we are going on the kebabs to Sidorov," and not even think that you dreamed of all week to stay with him alone. Or, as an option, can call you at the height of the working day, and ask where you are doing his blue shirt. And when you politely hints to him that he is not entirely in time - will be offended deadly. How so! How dare you prefer him some kind of insignificant life? 5. He does not perceive you seriously. At all. Any your passion depreciates them from the very first minute. If you are going, for example, learn - he or shrugs, they are why it is, or laughing - yes, do you crank with your brains. Or even angry - then then you will be underwritten to serve his whim. 6. He constantly criticizes you. Whatever you do - a brilliant pilaf or a model of a nuclear reactor, its assessment will always be "on the triethro." And this is at best! Usually it strongly wrinkles and you understand that everything spoiled everything. Lord! Yes, in his opinion, you can not really get dressed at a party. You look like a gray mouse. Drive the car like a sheep. Dancing like a cow. And get driving like a pig. 7. He is negligible and mocked in humans. He loves to make a shame, and for nothing will miss the opportunity to put you in a stupid light. If you get dirty in Ketchup or overturn a glass, it will definitely pay attention to it, and if you suddenly be stupid, it is he laughs first. And why do you think it seems that he is ashamed of you. 8. He openly burst into other girls. On the street, visiting the theater, in the restaurant ... He just stares on them, not thinking about how you feel at the same time. Of course, you pretend that you don't care or even fun, but in fact it is extremely unpleasant ... It is extremely unpleasant to catch a triumphant or, which is even worse, a sympathy look of the waitress. 9. He compares you with others. You're already tired of listening that his mother is better prepared by the scrambled eggs, his sister knows Spanish better, his employee better makes presentations, and Kim Kardashian is better ass. You realize that it's not in the ass, but for some reason you still get upset from each such comparison. 10. He hints or even requires you to "follow yourself more." "Stopped sawing," "stopped capricious", "lost weight" and, in general, corrected. Then, he promises, "you will certainly get married and give birth to a dozen children. The journal is clear that nothing will never change - because even if you have a super-ass and chest of the eighth size, he will still find something to complain about. 11. It categorically "does not understand hints." And hints, he considers everything that is not in the forehead. "I am very ... very, very much chrysanthemums ... I didn't give them so long ago," you say, passing by the flower stall. And he rushes further, pretending that Super-Macho and does not carry into these "female things." Okay! Survive. The next time you, scientific experience, ask directly: "Cute, and give me a bouquet." And what do you get in response? "What is it then a gift? Such a pragmatic approach nor the pleasure of pleasure will be delivered. " 12. He does not make cute gifts. Of course, for a birthday or for the new year, he can dock some souvenir Baid into the house, which has spent five minutes of time, and so that from the soul ... never anything! The extreme stage of journalism is when he declares that "a fundamentally nobody gives anything, and do not intend to give." 13. He always turns your breakdown in such a way that you are to blame you. From a permanent sense of guilt, you feel like a small donkey, who was injected into a huge cart with square wheels. And this is exactly you are the first to reconcile. It is you starting to fuck, apologize, smile and pretend that everything is fine. Although nothing is good! 14. You have damn bad sex. Because he or the misinterpretation, and you have to climb to him the first and "lean" a little love. Or mechanically as a robot. 15. He does not want to discuss your future. If you try to start this important conversation for you, you get a charge of manipulation, PMS, women's logic, and so on, and so on. In general, any of your attempts to declare our desires to be stopped. He just does not want to listen to you. At best, he depicts a resentment and exposes you to the guilty hysterical. In the worst goes, slamming the door. In fact, the cotton doors are the best of what he can do for you. Change the castle!

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