10 of the most stupid criminals in the world


People who become on the path of crime are rarely distinguished by a great mind, criminal geniuses are found only in films and novels, and sometimes in governments. Nevertheless, some criminals are so stupid that it is difficult to believe in it.

I love my horse

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Last year, journalists have published an amazing force document: the explanatory note as a certain Andrew Mendoza from Texas, who has plenty of the horse, because he wanted children from her. Having angry with his girlfriend, he went to the stable of a neighbor, set a bucket near the horse and ... In the note, he claims two things: first, she liked the horses, she did not try to leave or somehow defend himself; Secondly, he wanted children from her, little man-horses (the word "Centaur" he clearly did not know).

Mendoza received four months in prison for obscenious exposure in a public place and penetrating someone else's private property.

Deaf robber

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Klaus Schmidt in 1995 tried to rob the bank in Berlin. During the robbery, the Bank's employees noticed that he behaves somehow strange. At some point, the robber asked if he needed a bag, and he spooled in response: "Yes, this is a real gun." He was deaf. As a result, the cashiers calmly turned on the alarm - very loud siren, after which the police arrived and arrested Schmidt.

Later he tried to submit to the Bank to the court for the fact that they dishonoraly took his disabilities, but, of course, lost the claim.

Free beer - only in a mousetrap

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In the "Mousetrap" caught not one criminal, and immediately 19: the police of the English county of Derbyshire passed through the substairs several dozens of wanted criminals letters, which reported that each of them won the beer box. To get a win, you need to contact the brewery that has arranged an advertising campaign. 19 people fell to this fishing rod, and went for freebraulic beer. Of course, according to the address specified in the letter, they were waiting for the police.

Left phone left

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Ruben Sarata went to rob the workshop to repair the silencers in Chicago and found that the money was lying in the safe, the key from the Safe of the manager, and he lies. Then Sarati decided to save time: he left the cashier's number of his phone so that he called him back when the manager returns, and he himself went home. The cashier called the police, then, together with the cops, called back the robber, he appeared and was arrested.

Escape on a donkey

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Colombian robbers first stole HAVI, ten-year-old donkey. Then they robbed supermarket, stacking food and alcohol and downloading it all on Havi.

The problem is that the donkeys, as you know, are not distinguished by implicity. Instead of drastically dragged stolen, Havi preprived, began to roar, and thus attracted the attention of the police.

You can, of course, attribute this episode to another list, for example, "the beasts who helped the police", but still it seems to us that only other donkeys can use the robbery.

Warning about robbery

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Albert Bailey from the US state of Connecticut ranked in advance to the bank, which was going to rob to put 100,000 dollars. Well, so that no one fusks, so to speak.

But for some reason, the bank employees called the police. Not enough money to the robber also did not prepare. As soon as Albert was in the bank, he was given 900 dollars, after which the cops immediately arrived and arrested it.

Robber who has not coped with a manual gearbox

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17-year-old MGGAN MGGGA from Omaha, Nebraska, USA, under the pistol, selected a car from a woman. The lady safely escaped, and the teenager discovered that in her car - a manual gearbox, with which he does not know how to handle. Mgang managed to drive only a few meters (jerks, as it should be), after which he jumped out of the car and tried to escape. Police for some reason pursued him on foot (apparently to equalize the chances), but he did not go far.

Break into the house full of police

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Case with Darren Kimpton is a classic bad story. The house in Northampton, who broke the criminal, was already robbed to him a few hours earlier. Darren broke inside just at the moment when the owner called the police. Copes, although they were amazed, but it was quickly twisted.

The robber gives the gun

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Our favorite story: The robber is wanted to the bank and requires 700 thousand pounds at the cashier. The cashier is already as it were ready, and the thief is already ready to stretch his bag for money, but instead he stretches the gun. Well, it happened - stress and all that. The cashier also pulled slightly, but guessed to retreat a step and take the criminal on the fly. The robber, however, managed to flush by a bike of one of the bank employees parked at the entrance. Although the fur of the block.

Wonders masking

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The 48-year-old Dennis Hawkins from Pittsburgh seriously approached the matter and before the robbery decided to grae under the woman. Fake breast, a curly blonde wig - all this is wonderful, of course, but, nevertheless, the makeup had a significant drawback. A man with black mustes, a beard and long gold curls attracts much more attention than just a man with a mustache and beard.

However, Dennis's robbery managed - they caught him only at that moment when he tried to sink the car to escape. The appearance of the criminal became even more noticeable after a balloon with paint exploded right in his face, who cassier thoughtfully put in a bag with stunned money.

Photo: shutterstock

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