20 things that should be able to do your man, otherwise it is a shade


To distinguish the Heine from Nietzsche, put the origami and punch the three-point - the skills are useful, but optional. But these 20 points your man should definitely master. And then they will respect from the progressive public, fresh borsch on the stove and world around the world.

1. Follow the wardrobe

Family T-shirt with half a century history and spot from Ketchup, 13 unpaired socks and a plague tie with Barta Simpson? A normal peasant must be able to distinguish the dear hand garbage from clothes.

2. Translate from a plumber

"Yes, in your nozzle condensate, you need to change the coil clamp." Gentle creatures seem to be a hairdryer's hairs in unavailable overalls, but men understand her with half a half. Well, ideally.

3. Clear in the apartment

Cats are afraid of a vacuum cleaner like fire. Real men - no. Real men bravely arcoalite him and with screams "Jiyi-Haaa!" chasing around the ranch until the barrier technique will not searcate. After that, they correct the hat and go to tamper the mop.

4. Keep promises

Prises have an expiration date. The unfulfilled promises peel and spoil the air. There should be no more than a few months between "in Spain" and Paelley on Costa Dorada. And three years are waiting for only a diploma about secondary special education.

5. Respect your hobbies

These are not dirty rags. This is a batik.

6. Cook

Someone here still thinks that standing at the stove is not a male business? Let them go to the forest, wave there Mammoth and eat it raw. The inability to join dinner from foot feed is a reason for pride. Jamie Olivermi are not born, Jamie Olivermi becomes.

7. Speak compliments

Often, I will remember and not afraid to repeat. This joke is spoiled from repetition, and compliments - on the contrary. On each "I'm not fat?" It should have at least three laudatory ODDs, so that the Derzhavin burst out of envy. Simple arithmetic.

8. Expect

The present fresh face in the morning is most often similar not to the May rose, but on atomic war. We need an hour to make a natural makeup - but then we are so beautiful that she is God, it was worth waiting and do not dare under the door of the bathroom.

9. Give flowers

"You haven't died yet," "These Dutch are greedy Rvichi," "I have already gave me to the eighth of March," "I still dried out." - These are miserable excuses, unworthy of true macho. True Macho knows that his carmensite needs to regularly bring Aluju Rose in the teeth. Do not confuse: Carmensite - Rose, and carnations - a monument to the fallen soldiers.

10. Take Your Friends

You know them for a long time, and this cat for the first time you see. It does not matter why you once went with the Lenka, which is a round fool and will surely teach you. Lenka - she is like a homeland. Only you can scold it, and everyone let them even dare even Palslov to put it on it.

11. Drinks

Once Tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor. To carry the suitner of the living, but drunken weight before taxi is good for muscles, but bad for mood. The ability to drink is in the ability to stay on time.

12. Ask Road

Learn from the passerby where the street of the Heroes-Tankostroiters, - in any way is much bravely and courageous than silently try to determine the north on what part Moss grows on the traffic light. Calling in the deaf concrete jungle, where the leg of a person did not go, and the sad prospecting there is sad.

13. Speak as it is

While he sits gloomy, like a film Treier's film, and tag under the nose, that "everything is fine," she originates guesses, one other is more dramatic. And I would have voiced honestly "something from yesterday's fuagry belly dried" - and the horizons would be cleared.

14. Establish bra

Actually, this is trained in high school grades. At about the same time, an understanding of the fact that the bra may have a fastener both behind and in front. And by the time of the end of the university, especially gifted by one hand to unbutton the bra, and another to do something interesting.

15. Tolerate

Hefty Bugai, which in the middle of the store includes nodets and asks home, reminds three-year Mamina Zayu, which has been imputed with Pi-Pi. The right man understands that in H & M or IKEA it is impossible to run "for 5 minutes."

16. Deliver orgasm

Porn is not a documentary, even if for someone it becomes revelation. There girls reach the handle for 30 seconds, but in reality the path to the seventh heaven and the thorny. And the telegeny reception "The speed sewing machine" usually does not work.

17. Select a restaurant

So what, what are you in this chebureny with the boys on Friday perfectly sat down? It is impossible, you understand, it is categorically impossible to imagine how Agent 007 appoints a date of his Bond Gerl in a shabby Harchevna. Not for that, my mother gave birth, not for that we were squeezed into the corset.

18. Dance

The dance of the little swans Spyan and the Irish step (from him) does not count. Your man is obliged to be able to gracefully stagger on the spot with a girl in advance. And then suddenly the ball at the queen, or (what the hell is not joking!) Wedding and the first waltz of the newlyweds, and he dances as if he bounces with an invisible, but with a loud enemy?

19. Tie a tie

First, it is beautiful. And worse ties on an elastic band only socks with sandals. However, no. No worse.

20. Turn off the computer

Do not include, do not reinstall the system of one left and not watering the goblins of the thirteenth level in the dark with two hands on the rustle, but what to turn off. Because a man who can not break away from the blue screen when he wanders perfection in Penuyar behind him - Gick, Kidalt and in general, some kind of nonsense, but not a man. At least, not yours.

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